451$$ electric bill???


Active Member
A power bill that low...
I wish, my bill is almost stupid. Huge pool with crappy inflooor cleaning which means that the stupid pumps run all the time, got several tanks that eatup 2k watts and a belief that aircondioning is required for my personal survival. 3k sqft and I like to soak in jacuzzi every night.......I don't think I'll be getting any "Green Awards".....


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
Well, It helps that I'm in the a/c biz too.

I'm even running 16sear (sp) units, house even has an airconditioned attic thats supposed to reduce overall cost. (Pulte)I seriously can't wait for this house to be gone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
You'll get a kick out of this, my business partners house has 12 units.....wild
The biggest I've built had 17 units and a walk-in wine cooler. Boca Raton, go figure.


I'm With You You Man! He's Loosing Money Growing All That Marry Jane! Just Say No To The Creeper Dude!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
The biggest I've built had 17 units and a walk-in wine cooler. Boca Raton, go figure.
House has a fullsized, official basketball court that takes up 4k of livable space, the other has 7k actual living space, so total is 11K sqft home


wow!! $450 for an electric bill???? it's times like this i'm happy to be in pittsburgh paying $40/month for my apt and my parents pay $60/month for their house!! thats with air conditioning, swimming pool, 3 computers and the general stuf!!


i started replacing all the light bulbs in the house with the GE NRG savers


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
My house was built in 92 so its not very energy efficient.My bill is always higher in the summer and its been a hot one this year. I also think FPL raised there rates because almost everybody I talk to says they have seen an increase in their bills.
hahahahahahaha!!!!! 92!! please!!!!!! wanna talk about ineficient? mine was built in '25. NO INSULATION AT ALL!!!!!!
actually, brett, that really sucks. i went on the fpl budget plan and my electric stays within $10-$15 every month around $215. and after i drop $7k on a new roof w/in the next 2 weeks, that should be going down.


New Member
Im not sure if anyone mentioned this but you can get a voltage meter to figure out how much your tank is giving off and if you could reduce any of it...
Whoever said the thing about computers running is expensive. Good call, I have 2 sw tanks and a house full of reptiles. I leave my computer on, didnt even consider the fact that I could elimiate that.
Also central A/C will get ya.


I'm jealous of all of you. I am also in south Fl. 2 a.c. units, 2 tanks pool and all of the regular stuff and with FPL's budget billing I am currently at $537.00/mo.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MAVIS1032
I'm jealous of all of you. I am also in south Fl. 2 a.c. units, 2 tanks pool and all of the regular stuff and with FPL's budget billing I am currently at $537.00/mo.

Must have a big house or 2 storys mine is 2454sq feet I also have a pool,but I only have 1 ac


happened to me once and the problem is my ac fan stuck on all the time. Check your AC. do you heat your pool at all? because with all the rain we have the pass 3 weeks and cause the pool temp to cool down and the heater might kick in automatic


Active Member
all of the bulb in my house is cfl and my house is only 3800 sqft and paying over 600 in summer and 400 every month , two ac unit set at 78 in summer and 65 in winter and still pay that much.i have to switch to solar power soon and my wife agree


Originally Posted by digitydash
Must have a big house or 2 storys mine is 2454sq feet I also have a pool,but I only have 1 ac
2980 under air but 2 story


New Member
you think your bill is high? I will trade you any day! of course my bill is self inflicted.
My biggest power usage is because of aquarium heating. Here in the mountains it gets pretty cold with snow in the winter.
Part of my aquarium system (120 + 70 + 30 sump) is in the UNHEATED garage with a 92g in the house. So just in water heaters I need total 2000 watts in heaters just to keep the water temperature no lower than 72.5 F.
Now throw in the lights and powerheads for 4 tanks, heating for the house, a couple big screen tv's and house lights and by feb. my pg&e (power) bill will top $700.00 per month. Summer bill is about $250.00.
So like I said its self inflicated and can and have to live with it if I want to keep my hobby.
pg&e (power co.) uses a tier system with steps that increase the KW per hour cost based on a baseline with steps that cost more and more and more per KW for each of the steps as you use more power.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MAVIS1032
I'm jealous of all of you. I am also in south Fl. 2 a.c. units, 2 tanks pool and all of the regular stuff and with FPL's budget billing I am currently at $537.00/mo.

i don't feel as bad anymore, but mine house is only 1100 sf and w/o the budget billing i was paying over 3 bills for mine in the summer. god i loved air conditioning the neighborhood !!!!!