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  1. jden092901

    Fowlr Tank

    Clown. Im not doing much...just a fish and rock tank for now...and when we build our home next year were putting a large tank in the wall. Im thinking of using my 29 or 10 gall for now. How many clowns could you put in a 10 gall or 29?
  2. jden092901

    Fowlr Tank

    Do I need any special lighting and a skimmer for a FOWLR tank? And could I put a cleanner shrimp in it? Thanks again, Josh
  3. jden092901

    what ya think?

    Thats a good idea. I'll be buying a skimmer, just dont wanna use it on the small 29 gall tank. Next year when we start the big tank I'll get a skimmer for a 100-150 gal tank. What skimmer should I get? I read that I should get one with a needle wheel...
  4. jden092901

    what ya think?

    o ya..i wont use any of my lava rock or sand. Im going to chuck my sand and put my rocks in a diff tank. Then I'll tare it down, clean the heck out of it. Put in the water, get the salinity right, add my and some raw shirmp and let it cycle. Then ill get a clown. Do I need a...
  5. jden092901

    what ya think?

    In the next year or so I want to start a big salt tank. In the mean time, do you think I need a skimmer for a 29 gall fish only tank. I my do a FOWLR tank, that may work better, due to the benefit of live rock filteration. I'm not wanting to do any reef at all for now. That will be in the...
  6. jden092901

    dumb question for you all...

    um..ya I know. I have been doing research on the cycle. I was wondering mostly about if I could use my freshwater tank stuff for A FISH only, such as my filter and that kind of stuff. I’m not “putting the cart in front of the horse”. I’m merely doing some research, wanting to try the...
  7. jden092901

    dumb question for you all...

    hey..thanks so much man...that sounds like its not too bad. Takes time, but hey, what the heck. I wanted to get started on something, so I am into it before i start my big tank. Thanks again, you gave me hope....:)
  8. jden092901

    dumb question for you all...

    ok, that's cool. I can wait, just thought it would be fun to start with making the water right..all that stuff...and have a cute little clown. Thanks a bunch!
  9. jden092901

    dumb question for you all...

    I am going to get some books for reading up on salt the mean time...I thought it would be fun to just get a fish...try keeping him and getting used to it. I have a 29 gallon tank and a 10 gallon tank I could use. Could I use the sand that has been in my freshwater tank (play sand)...
  10. jden092901

    What to do

    thanks for all of your help. I have about a year to plan I will be making this right the first time. Thanks again everyone. Josh
  11. jden092901

    What to do

    Hey everyone, i'm new here and have some questions. I have been doing freshwater cichlids, and want to get into salt now. There so beautiful, fun, and a challange. I would like to get a tank of around 100-150 gallons to start with. We will be putting it into our wall of our new home were...