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  1. tranman777

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    Sepulatian "I would say that you have been VERY lucky so far. It will not last" - Yeah, I've been VERY lucky until I got home last night around 10. To my surprise, my flame was lying on its side with a curled up stiff tail, the YT stayed in the corner and did not move. I jinxed myself by...
  2. tranman777

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    These two fish are no where near sick or dying. I checked all vital signs. They are swimming normal, gills are not flapping hard, no heavy breathing, no gasping for air, no purple color around gills, and mouth is normal (not opening and closing). sepulatian, "by removing any excess food after...
  3. tranman777

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    Yep. The QT tank is a 10 gallon tank. Initially I purposely filled it up to a 3rds way so i can make room for diluting the salt concentration to bring down the salinity by adding fresh distilled water.
  4. tranman777

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    Nicetry, lion crazz, beth, sepulatian, terryb :help: Help I followed everyone's advice on Hypo. And even though everything is going great, its seems very very wrong with this high level of Ammo..and the fish are STILL LIVING!!! It's mind boggling
  5. tranman777

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    These two fish are no where near sick or dying. I checked all vital signs. They are swimming normal, gills are not flapping hard, no heavy breathing, no gasping for air, no purple color around gills, and mouth is normal (not opening and closing).
  6. tranman777

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    I got a master test kit from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals (sp) about 3 months ago. It is brand new and will not expire for 3 years. I confirmed with the company. My ammonia level for my DT tank is zero. I also thought the same thing, that maybe there's ammonia in my distilled water I'm using. But...
  7. tranman777

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    I'm very surprised and confused to see this happening. I set up my 10 gal QT tank on the first of this month and placed my yellow tang and flame angel in it. I used my DT water which has ZERO ammonia. I used filter material from my DT tank for bio filtration. The QT tank is down at 13ppt right...
  8. tranman777

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    I also like to add that I'm using the AP master test kit which is brand new and not expired. I confirmed with the company they expire 3 years from printed date. I even double checked by testing my DT water. My DT water shows zero Ammo, but my QT shows 2.0, maybe even a lil' higher. So there's...
  9. tranman777

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    I'm very surprised and confused to see this happening. I set up my 10 gal QT tank on the first of this month and placed my yellow tang and flame angel in it. I used my DT water which has ZERO ammonia. I used filter material from my DT tank for bio filtration. The QT tank is down at 13ppt right...
  10. tranman777

    Want to Hypo, ??'s about PH and salinity

    92ProTruck- "If the tank is 8.2 buffer the replacement water to 8.2." What if my qt water is say 7.9, what would my replacement water be, safe to be at 8.2 still? or should I buffer higher at 8.6 to compensate for the 7.9? Reminds you of high school math problems huh? lol. thanks.
  11. tranman777

    Want to Hypo, ??'s about PH and salinity

    Hey, Thank you for answering my questions with those good advices. I am nervous b/c it's my 1st time and really really don't want to kill my two beautiful fish. They are a yellow tang and a flame angel. No live rock in QT tank, just a couple of pvc's. My DT is a 55 gallon FOWLR w/ some xenias...
  12. tranman777

    Want to Hypo, ??'s about PH and salinity

    Ok, I'm sooo sick of ICK/ich. I want to get it out of my tank once and for all!! and treat my infected fish. First time attempting Hypo here. I got the following equipment to do the hypo. -10 gal tank -small heater and thermometer -HOB filter -PH buffer to "raise and maintain" @ 8.3 (by...