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  1. jennahill

    All my fish have died- what now??

    I have been fighting ich, but tonight have lost the battle- the last of my fish have died. I now hav a 90 gallon tank with crabs, snails, shrimp and corals- what is the best route to take now- should I just continue to feed the inhabitants that are in there and wait the 30 days or is there...
  2. jennahill

    Am I in trouble?

    Yes I do- THanks!! Jenna
  3. jennahill

    Am I in trouble?

    Do you have a phone number for them? I only have an email address on the back of my manual and have not recieved a response back from them.
  4. jennahill

    Am I in trouble?

    Reef Junky- I just got home from 3 days away and my chiller said the temp was 74- the thermometer on the tank said it was 80- I have it set for 78. I felt the water and it was 80. I shut it off and turned it back on- it then registered the correct temp, but the chiller did not come on. I shut it...
  5. jennahill

    Seahorse Babies!! Photos!!

    Just wanting an update on the seahorses. I've shared your photos with my second grade class last week- they just love them-We are going to computer lab tomorrow, so I hoped to be able to share with them how it's going.
  6. jennahill

    Brittle star is hurt

    Thanks!!! I'm still hoping he'll live, I just checked on him and he seems to be still moving around.
  7. jennahill

    Brittle star is hurt

    How quickly should I raise the salinity?
  8. jennahill

    Brittle star is hurt

    Really?? I have an Instant Ocen Hydrometer that is red from 1.020-1.024- I was told to keep it in the red, and if I could keep it right in the middle (1.022/30) that would be ideal.
  9. jennahill

    Brittle star is hurt

  10. jennahill

    Brittle star is hurt

    My water is good, everything is at 0. I've had them abut two weeks now. I aclimated him by dripping water in a bucket over three hours. The side with the two legs and just alittle bit of the body had noe died, but the other with the three legs and most of the body seems to be doing fine.
  11. jennahill

    Brittle star is hurt

    He is now in two seperate pieces, but both peices seem to be alive and moving.
  12. jennahill

    Brittle star is hurt

    I came home from wok today and my brittle star is all curled up ontop of the rock- when I turned on the light he moved enought that I could see his back, which has a large gash on it- I can see yellow inside. He is very protective of himself, but he is alive and doesn't seem to be any worse for...
  13. jennahill

    1st fish died :sad: questions why?

    What should I do with the damsel that is left? I was told when I bought these two that they aren't agressive like some damsels- is that just not true? Should I try to return it to the store? What type of fish do you recomend I start with? I just checked my levels again- now they're all out of...
  14. jennahill

    1st fish died :sad: questions why?

    I tried emailing you, but it came back to me- so here it is My Amonia is at 0. My Nitrites are at 0. My Nitrates haven't budged from about 15 (The color isn't on the chart, but the color is between the 10 and the 20- so I'm guessing it there.) PH has been a constant 8.2 I actually live in...
  15. jennahill

    1st fish died :sad: questions why?

    oops- nitrites were at .25 not the nitrates:) Birdy- where in MO? How old are your twins? I'm an Identical.
  16. jennahill

    1st fish died :sad: questions why?

    I have tested every evening since I started the tank- Amonia spiked at 1.5 on the 31st. Nitrates were at .25 on the 4th and the nitrates haven't moved.
  17. jennahill

    1st fish died :sad: questions why?

    Aquarium Pharmaceuticals- its what they sold me at the store- only have PH, Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitite- didn't know I was supposed to test for anyting else.
  18. jennahill

    1st fish died :sad: questions why?

    PH- 8.2 Amonia- .25 Nitite-0 Nitrate- 15
  19. jennahill

    1st fish died :sad: questions why?

    The store told me I could put in 2 damsels to help cycle the tank- they've done great until today.
  20. jennahill

    1st fish died :sad: questions why?

    I have had my tank up about 4 weeks now- I added a cleanup crew late last week and tonight one of my fish (blue damsel)are dead-They have been in there about 3 weeks- when I got him outI looked him over and his whole back side was eaten. Thisis a list of the clean up crew I bought- is there...