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  1. shrkbait

    Blue green algae

    I have begun to notice some blue green algae starting to grow on my LR. Is this a good thing or does it not really make a difference? Id like to get your opinions on my lighting in relation to the algae. I have 2-96W 50/50 compact flourescents that are two years old, and two actinics as well...
  2. shrkbait

    who is ready for THIS algae challenge?

    You mentioned brown mushrooms...Could you get a pic. I have this brown disc type algea starting to grow and just thought you just might have the same thing. Thanks :thinking:
  3. shrkbait

    Where to find Nori Seaweed?

    if its fresh(nothing added or nothing done to it)...why not? Where you gonna get that though?
  4. shrkbait

    who is ready for THIS algae challenge?

    I have actually seen three types of Caulerpa. THey look like vines with feathers...I think the grape type is classified as a caulerpa...and there is a type that has broad leaves to it. I think that Caulerpa is not a species as much as it is a genus. Anyways...Do a test of the distilled water for...
  5. shrkbait

    Answer me this, please??????????/*

    White can be from high/low PH or ALK. I dont know if you can have too much calcium though. Maybe not enough light or too much(I would say too little than too much though.) ...Also, The algea tends to get bumpy white so it can spread...kind of like coral. So you need to identify what type of...
  6. shrkbait

    ** NOW** Live Rock ... about die-off in 12-14hrs

    You said you got the rock from an established tank right...well, was the tank doing well with little or minimal bad stuff. There is a good chance you dont have that much if any bad hitchhickers on it. The die off might not be too major. Watch your water chemistry over the next few weeks and let...
  7. shrkbait

    Answer me this, please??????????/*

    What color is it now? :notsure: How long has that piece of rock been in there? If it was growing well in the dark before...maybe the light was too much for it(although 40w doesnt seem like much at all).
  8. shrkbait

    Where to find Nori Seaweed?

    I was cautioned that nori(store bought) might not be reef safe...dont know why or even if its a real worry. Just thought Id mention it.
  9. shrkbait

    Pics of my first tank :)

    Was there any problems at all with the damsel and the clown? I put a clown in my tank(without an anenome...this could have been the problem), and he wasnt happy. I noticed my damsel that I had in there was EXTREMELY teritorial and aggressive. Needless to say the damsel is not in the display...
  10. shrkbait

    who is ready for THIS algae challenge?

    Just curious...What is an LMB?
  11. shrkbait

    who is ready for THIS algae challenge?

    One thing I didnt see mentioned...Have you thought about reducing your lighting time? How much time are your lights on now? :thinking: Using the purest water possible is a must(IMO). Distilled? Like from the grocery store? Reverse Osmosis/ De-Ionized water from a water store is the way to go...