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  1. brian mcpherson

    external or biological fitler?????????????????

    Which would be best for a 20 gallon tank? please help!!!
  2. brian mcpherson

    New members of the family in my tank !!!

    I really didn't do any thing I came home after school one day and they were there. they've gotten a little bigger now and are starting to look like mandarins now. :eek:
  3. brian mcpherson

    New members of the family in my tank !!!

    :) :p My mandarin goby have had babies. So I guess that makes me a father. they're so tiny and cute!!! :D
  4. brian mcpherson

    New Bicolor Blennie

    I've Just got a new blennie yesterday ,and he doing fine. He's been eating brine shrimp ,but I've read that they need to eat alage.Is this true? :D
  5. brian mcpherson

    Mandarin goby

    I have two mandarin gobies and they both pick at the live rock. they also eat brill shrimp. :)
  6. brian mcpherson

    most colorful blenny or goby

    I was wondering if theres a blennies or gobies that is small and colorful besides the mandarin gody? If any body can help me find some I would be greatful. thank you :D
  7. brian mcpherson

    Come on clown fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    maybe you should get another fish Pablo. I got another goby now ,and a master kit to test my levels. :eek: :D try getting some brill shrimp? see you at school!! later
  8. brian mcpherson

    Small,Colorful,and nonaggressive

    Thanks for the help.I have a 20 gallon tank.
  9. brian mcpherson

    Small,Colorful,and nonaggressive

    I've just got a mandarin goby. I'm really pleased with it hearing how it is hard to keep because of it's eating habbits. what i'm trying to get to is there any other fish as colorful as the mandarin that is'nt aggressive.with a sizes between 1-3 1/3". :) :D