Come on clown fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paul monroy

New Member
Hello, I just got a 30 gal fish tank and with it my dad bought me a Percula clown fish. Its is some what of a baby about 1 1/4 inches long. He is living with two blue damsels and two peppermint shrimp that I had before. The clown fish is not eating at all.
Its been two days and no sign of any hunger.
Do you all think its maybe because the damsels are three times bigger than he is,and he is scared?
Maybe he just has to get use to the tank?
Any suggestions?
One more thing, is there any other fish or invert that can start a cycle faster besides clowns and damsels?


Is your tank new?What are you feeding it?I know some people start tanks with clowns.I'm not sure what kind,but I started mine with damsels.

brian mcpherson

New Member
maybe you should get another fish Pablo. I got another goby now ,and a master kit to test my levels. :eek: :D try getting some brill shrimp?
see you at school!!


i wouldnt get another fish. my guess is the reason he is not eating is probably a couple reasons. for one he is probably in bad water conditions that occur during a cycle. also he is just probably getting used to a new environment. if he doesnt start eating in a couple days i would really start to worry. what are your readings of ammonia and nitrite?


Don't add another fish, the ones you have in there will have enough stress going through the cycle. Try feeding live brine shrimp.


Active Member
When I got my Percula he did not eat for 1 week. It takes time for them to adjust. Now he waits at the top of the tank at feeding time and is the first in line to eat.
i have to agree with twoods on this one. Just give it a little time and your fish will probably start eating. He is probably stressed and scared and will come around soon. :)