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  1. bluetang67

    non swimming clowns?

    i seriously doubt you've got too much current clowns tend to not swim around as much as other fish... a couple times a day though mine will take a little journey around the tank...but spend a good portion of the day in one area of the tank
  2. bluetang67

    Protein skimmer, filter, etc

    once your tank is established and runnin for awhile you'll probably have enough bacteria on the live rock, substrate etc. that you could take the wheels off...but leaving them on doesn't hurt anything
  3. bluetang67

    daytime PH at 8.0

    its a little low but you should be ok i'd start to worry if it goes any lower mine has always stayed at 8.2
  4. bluetang67

    Protein skimmer, filter, etc

    depends...if you are goin to get corals most people would tell you you need a protein skimmer if fish only its not completely necessary but wouldn't hurt
  5. bluetang67

    Protein skimmer, filter, etc

    you'll definately need some kind of filtration other than just a protein skimmer. i would take out the airstone and use a powerhead instead. you should have atleast 10x your tanks volume of water per hour of water movement. penguin bio-wheel filters are a great filter for a low price i've used...
  6. bluetang67

    tank brought back to life

    50 ppm of nitrates is too high...partial water changes should bring it down. also if your grandma was feeding your fish while you were gone i'd guess she overfed them.
  7. bluetang67

    ATTENTION ***REALLY BIG**** Tank Owners

    when i set up my 220 i put 4 x 4 beams under the floor just incase. I framed my stand into the studs in 1 wall and to the floor. this way the only way my tank can fall over is if my house falls over. i've worked construction building house's, etc. turned out real nice looks good and its even...
  8. bluetang67

    Need Help

  9. bluetang67

    Need Help

    After qt i had a yellow tang in my display tank. Was fine for over a week. All of a sudden it stopped eating not showing any outward signs of disease. It died 2 days later. Now one of my clownfish that i've had for a year is not eating and also not showing any obvious signs of disease. The rest...
  10. bluetang67

    blue tang scratching

    i just got this hasn't made it to the display tank yet been in qt since i got it... thanks again
  11. bluetang67

    blue tang scratching

    i know i didn't mention it but he is already in a no worries about my display tank...i've got the formalin coming overnight...can't find it anywhere around here thanks for the help
  12. bluetang67

    blue tang scratching

    ok...thanks again he actually seems a little better today.
  13. bluetang67

    blue tang scratching

    ok...i can't find a store with Formalin in my area.... one store said to treat it with copper. i can order it but i'm worried that it wouldn't get here in time to be much of a help.....should i begin copper treatment or wait?
  14. bluetang67

    blue tang scratching

    i've determined that he has Brooklynella, i'm going to do a formalin bath asap. thanks for your reply
  15. bluetang67

    blue tang scratching

    Recieved a blue tang yesterday, hes is eating, swimming good, no labored breathing but is scratching. Should I wait until he stops eating / develops spots, or start treatment right away?