tank brought back to life


I use to have a 20 FOWLR with a cleaner shrimp and 2 yellow tail damsels. I moved up to a 50 FOWLR. I had it running for about 3-4 months, then got a few shrimp ( 2 cleaner and blood) a lawnmower blenny, 2 tru percs, coral beauty, green carpet, and a few other various corals and snails and I have about 75-85lbs of figi live rock. That went good for about 4 months, then the coral beauty died :mad: so I bought a royal gramma, and that was good for about a month after that. everything looked good, until grandma came to watch over it for a week... dead... everything within a week after i got back
. being 18 at the time I was done... had no money at all ( still dont know what had happened ... amonia was very high, and the true percs had ick) so I let the tank run for about 3 weeks after everything, water was fine and stable, got a brittle star and yellow tail damsel... he at the damsel (im an idiot) that was about 5 months ago. The brittle was still alive so I took him to the LPS and traded him in, and bought a cleaner shrimp, some snails, tru perc, and a blue hippo. the water is in good condition... except for nitrates. amonia is 0 nitrites are 0 PH is 8.0-8.2, but the nitrates are at like 50ppm. I checked the water before the fish and it was below 20ppm. what could be the cause/fix for this, and is it dangerous? I ordered a mandarin( I have an extremly large population of pods(tank being run for months and months while still cleaning and keeping care of the tank) and a few other "clean up crewers". I just want to make sure everything will be safe for my new baby... sorry for the long post, just kinda excited to be addicted again.


well its GREAT to know that ur excited again! :cheer: its soooooooooo easy to get down on youself in this hobby, i do it way too often, about once a month too regular for me :rolleyes: but in the end i always end up loving it! :happy:


New Member
50 ppm of nitrates is too high...partial water changes should bring it down.
also if your grandma was feeding your fish while you were gone i'd guess she overfed them.


I read around a little bit and it was said that on top of water change, LR would help out too so I think i am going to head off to the LPS and pick upt 10 more lbs... plus hey couldnt hurt cause I'm getting the psychadelic anyways. thanks for the help.:)