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  1. roggy

    what is a sump people?

    since there are no stupid questions here haha thanks
  2. roggy

    what does DSB stand for?

    anyone can answer...
  3. roggy

    do i need a skimmer for????

    i have a 20 gallon with 3 damsels for 4 weeks now(with LR)and the testing of the water has gone very well. i want to add corals when my water has cycled. is it ok to add corals after completed cycle and do I need a protein skimmer if i want corals? and is strong lighting crucial.. or is a...
  4. roggy

    AM I CRAZY???

    I have only a 20 gallon tank, 8lbs of live rock, live sand, a good filter. i didnt even let the water run for more than a day and i already added 4 damsels. it's been 4 days now and my fish are healthy. i have a test kit coming my way. what on earth should i expect from my cycle? i decided...