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  1. slb243

    Metal Halide Info

    Is it possible to run 2 175 watt metal halide bulbs from a 400 watt ballast? One larger wattage ballast would be much cheaper than multiple smaller wattage ballasts. I assume it isn't possible because I've never heard of it being done. I know it is possible to run multiple smaller wattage...
  2. slb243


    The lighting you have will work OK, but your tank will look nicer and the fish and live rock will do better, in my opinion, if you get more intense lighting. I recommend metal halide lighting. You'll get the most light for your money. You've made the right decision not getting the anenome...
  3. slb243

    LIve Sand and Lighting

    The sand will eventually become alive on its own, but it will take some time, in my opinion. Be careful if you don't add any bacteria, because the sand can turn nasty if it gets too much organic material down there in an anaerobic environment. I would add bacteria to give it a jump start...
  4. slb243

    starving Angel?

    Does you angel "pick at" the rock, looking for food? Watch it for a while and see if it does and where. Then try and put food where it was trying to eat. You can smash small amounts of thawed frozen food (formula one, formula two, prime reef) onto/into the surface on the rock. If it won't...
  5. slb243

    Emperor Angles

    Emperor angels are moderately hardly if you have the right setup. I wouldn't suggest getting one unless you have a 90+ gallon tank, good filtration (wet/dry) and a UV sterilizer. I'd also have a cleaner wrasse, because they seem to be succeptable to parasites. Feed angel formula and seaweed...