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  1. paul monroy

    Come on clown fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello, I just got a 30 gal fish tank and with it my dad bought me a Percula clown fish. Its is some what of a baby about 1 1/4 inches long. He is living with two blue damsels and two peppermint shrimp that I had before. The clown fish is not eating at all. Its been two days and no sign of any...
  2. paul monroy


    Hi, I'am having problems with my 10 gal tank. Its been running for a little over a month,and I use to have a Yellow-tailed damsel and three peppermint shrimp to start the cycle. But now My damsel died and one of my shrimp as well. I dont know what caused them to die. The symptoms of my fish...