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  1. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    I did wait about 3 months before adding fish. I have just added them 2-3 at a time and like I have said I have another aquarium, that I just recently took out of use because of the green water problem.
  2. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    Originally Posted by namas05 Well after spending hundreds on fish only to kill them maybe you should have spent that money on an RO/DI and you may be way ahead now. Also you said you are adding reef suppliments? Do you have corals? If not then why add the reef suppliments? Yes I have corals...
  3. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    Smiths tested lowest for tds. I want to buy an RO/DI unit I just havent had the funds yet. The tang I got off another website it said 25 gallon. I guess I should have checked a few more sites to make sure it was accurate. I dont plan on keeping the nano cube going though.
  4. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    But I have changed water sources 3 times now....
  5. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    No I dont treat with anything.
  6. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Is this a new 24 gallon tank or did you buy it off of someone? Have you ever dosed anything in the tank? This tank is new in December. The only additives I have added are reef suppliments.. I might add all of my corals do fine... I have only lost 1 coral. I...
  7. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    Originally Posted by namas05 Where are you getting the water? Are you using RO/DI water? Have you tested your freshly mixed SW? I am getting it at the machine at smiths, I believe it is called glacier something. It read the lowest out of all the machines. Before I was using distilled...
  8. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Do you ever test the water you are adding back into the tank once the saltwater is mixed? Perhaps you have a bad batch of salt... Test for what? The only thing I test before I add it back is for specific gravity.
  9. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Well, a tang and puffer (depending on the type) are both poor choices for a 24 gallon tank. This could be part of the problem, as well. I researched them and both of them said they would be ok in a 24 gallon. But... seriously I have lost about 10 fish since...
  10. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    Oh yes, I keep the water at 78 degrees.
  11. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    This is not the first time this has happened though. About 2 months ago I bought a tang he was doing great for 2 weeks. Did a water change and bam he died... The only ones that survived are my clownfish...
  12. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    I am using Reef Crystals 160 gallon mix. I use 1/2 a cup per gallon and then measure with the refractometer. I am using Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit and it was bought 6 months ago. I bought fish 2 weeks ago (a black cap basslet, blenny and a pufferfish) I didnt change any water, but I...
  13. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    I get the water the same temp as my tank and I was doing a 5% water change, but I didnt finish, because like I said I was trying to do something new and 1 cup every hour or so. So I completely maybe a 2.5% water change.
  14. maduncan

    Help.. they always die

    Everytime I add new water all my fish except my clown fish... I dont know what I am doing wrong. I bought a tds meter and a refroctometer. I let the water sit for no less that 48 hours witha pump and thermometer in it making sure it is well mix. I started adding the water very slowly. Like a...
  15. maduncan

    Green Water... I need help

    I havent ran my levels in a few days, so i am going to go do that one more time to be sure.
  16. maduncan

    Green Water... I need help My levels are perfect, no ammonia, no nitrates, no nitritate ph is 8.0. salt levels ar 1.023 I have live rock and sand and 2 clown fish, a cleaner shrimp, several snails and crabs, a leather coral, frog spawn coral and one other coral, but the name is...
  17. maduncan

    Green Water... I need help

    I have green water... According to another site I was reading that is a free float algae and the only way to get rid of it intense lighting... The problem is, I cant.. My splash lense is ruined in my 24 gallon nano, I bought the aquarium used several months ago and it hasnt been a problem...
  18. maduncan

    Blonde Naso Tang

    I acclimated him for 2 hours. The SG is 1.011
  19. maduncan

    Blonde Naso Tang

    HELP! Just got a new tang from online. We acclimated him to the QT tank and he seemed very happy, but now he is just lying on his side and resting on the bottom. What should I do? Our QT tank paramiters are perfect, but I do have low salanity to prevent or get rid of disease. Anything I...
  20. maduncan

    Distilled Water?

    Ok, so i was using water from the grocery store, where you go to the machine and fill up the bucket with water. My LFS told me that was bad because they dont change their filters enough and then tried to sell me a ro unit. I cant really afford to buy an ro unit right now and so I thought I...