Blonde Naso Tang


HELP! Just got a new tang from online. We acclimated him to the QT tank and he seemed very happy, but now he is just lying on his side and resting on the bottom. What should I do? Our QT tank paramiters are perfect, but I do have low salanity to prevent or get rid of disease.
Anything I should do to help him survive?


Originally Posted by MaDuncan
HELP! Just got a new tang from online. We acclimated him to the QT tank and he seemed very happy, but now he is just lying on his side and resting on the bottom. What should I do? Our QT tank paramiters are perfect, but I do have low salanity to prevent or get rid of disease.
Anything I should do to help him survive?
How low is the SG and how long did you acclimate him?


Originally Posted by MaDuncan
I acclimated him for 2 hours. The SG is 1.011
Did you happen to test the SG of the water that he came out of? Two hours is not too quickly, but if the sg in the bag was high then it would be too quick of a drop.


Active Member
That SG is pretty low. Two questions for you, how did you test the SG, with a hydrometer or a refractometer. Also is this tang going in your 24 gallon?


Active Member
2 hours down to 1.011 is quite fast, considering the LFS or online shipper probably had the salinity at least at 1.019, if not a bit higher.


Active Member
I agree with the above, that is a big drop for a fish, IMO. What is your pH and alk? Are there other fish in the QT? What is the circulation in the tank?