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  1. jjoe

    ID please

    First I just want to say thank you all for all the help I have received on this site. I have a beautiful tank and I am sooo proud of it, and I could not do it without you. I have 2 creatures in me tank that I don't know anything about. A long fuzzy creature with lots of legs (brown) travels...
  2. jjoe


    I know this has been asked a thousand times, but why did my snails eat my shaving bushes.
  3. jjoe

    I now have a camera!

    Looks great. What is that deep red/pink "object" beside your yellow tang? It is a wonderful color.
  4. jjoe

    quick fix

    Am I crazy. Will one week make a difference?
  5. jjoe

    quick fix

    I received my pta on wednesday, and lighting was to come in yesturday. But it didn't come. It could be wednesday of next week before it gets here. Mix up at the lfs. Can I do something quick to help until then? I know how important light is to anem. Something I can get ahold of where I...
  6. jjoe

    Damsel is digging?

    I thought something was wrong. Guess I was freaking. Do you have any pics on this site, of your tank on this site? If so where I would love to look.
  7. jjoe

    Pics of my first tank :)

    That skilter, did it bubble at first and then settle down? I have one on my 80 gallon, and it puts in a lot of bubbles? Any suggestions about how you ajusted yours? thanx
  8. jjoe

    Damsel is digging?

    One of my damsel's is digging in the crushed coral. I have about 3-4 inches in the tank, and in one day it has reached the bottom. It carries the rock up the slope and drops it at the top. Made a nice whole. What is it doing?:notsure: