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  1. stacyadless

    Protein Skimmer

    Hey, thanks! I guess I used that term because I don't reall like green tea.....unless it is loaded with a lot of fake sugar
  2. stacyadless


    We don't have live rock. Our LFS said we just have base rock. We have some coral, but we are just now figuring out what we have. Our substrate is sand. I think I have quiet a lot of copepods, we added about an inch of sand (not live) yesterday, per instructions from our LFS. Our old sand...
  3. stacyadless


    If I want to get the nitrate levels down in my 70 gal tank how frequently should I be doing water changes, and what percentages. Our levels fluctuate from 40 all the way to 160! We inherited this tank when we bought the house, so the tank is several years old. Yes, I think I have been...
  4. stacyadless

    Protein Skimmer

    My husband and I just bought a protein skimmer for our 70 gal tank. It is a Prizm Hang on Delux Skimmer by Red Sea. We inherited this tank and are really trying to clean it up. The guy at the LFS assembled it, and told us to set the foam where it hits about midway in the reaction chamber that...
  5. stacyadless

    Eheim Ecco Filter

    We have two damsels (all blue, don't know what they are called) a false percula, and a cinnamon clownfish. They came with the tank. So far, we have been learning about the water cycle and we dont want to add a fish at this point. Plus, we are not sure what fish to add.
  6. stacyadless

    Eheim Ecco Filter

    Hi, My husband and I just acquired a 50 gallon saltwater aquarium that came with the house we just bought. We are complete novices, and have been doing a lot of reading on the subject. Here is my latest question. We have an Enheim Ecco cannister filter. There is no instructions with the...
  7. stacyadless

    Crab molting question

    Thank you everybody....he's back! I think I am just worrying too much. Stacy
  8. stacyadless

    Crab molting question

    Hi, My husband and I just bought a new house with an aquarium in November, and we are slowly learning about our new saltwater fish. We bought two hermit crabs in November. When I bought new shells for the crabs my larger crab molted. Which was fairly traumatic because I thought he was a...