Protein Skimmer


New Member
My husband and I just bought a protein skimmer for our 70 gal tank. It is a Prizm Hang on Delux Skimmer by Red Sea. We inherited this tank and are really trying to clean it up. The guy at the LFS assembled it, and told us to set the foam where it hits about midway in the reaction chamber that enters the collection cup area. Right now we have about about .5 of an inch of green tea stuff in the collection cup and a lot of condensation. It has been running about 12 hours. Does this seem as if we have it set correctly? Should we be seeing more green stuff? Do we need to raise our foam? Thank you.

al mc

Active Member
Yes. Most skimmers take a couple days to 'break in'. At that time you should notice 'green tea' water (an excellent desciption by the way...I probably will stop drinking green tea now
) in the collection cup and skimmate (green/brown scum) on the sides of the collection cup.


New Member
Hey, thanks! I guess I used that term because I don't reall like green tea.....unless it is loaded with a lot of fake sugar