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  1. shooter

    PLEASE help one of my fish has ich what do i do

    What Type Of Tank Do You Have Set Up??? I Have A Fish Only Tank And My Fish Kept Getting Ich!!! I Was Ready To Throw In The Towel 'til I Was Referred To A New Fish Store. This Guy Has Been Dealing With Saltwater Fish Since He Was 10yrs Old...i Explained My Problem And The First Thing He...
  2. shooter

    R.I.P. Coral Beauty

    How Many Fish Do You Have In Your Tank?? Do You Have Live Rock???? What Are You Feeding Him??? I Deal With A Local Fish Guy Who Is Great [hr] i Had 6-8 Fish Die Before I Started Going To Him......when I Buy Fish I Empty Them Into A Bucket And Add 1 -2 Cups Of Tank Water About 5 Times, Then I...
  3. shooter

    CopperBand Butterfly

    I Have A Copperband Butterfly In A Fish Only Tank.....i Have A 55 Gal With 3 Green Chromis, A Maroon Clown, A Blue Hippo Tang, And A Coral Beauty Angel......he Was The Last Fish I Put In My Tank.....the Main Thing You Need To Do Is Keep Your Water Clean.....i Do A 10-12 Gal Water Change Every 10...
  4. shooter

    Fish Are Not For Cycling!!!!

    Simple [hr] mollies Cost .99 Cents [hr] damsels Are 4-5 $$$$ Once The Tank Is Cycled, You Can Keep 1-2 In There Without A Problem , If Not---bring Them Back To The Fish Store ......i Would Rather Spend 4.00 Than 15-20 Dollars To Get The Same Result.......
  5. shooter

    Fish Are Not For Cycling!!!!

    There Is A Very Easy, Cheap, And Practical Way To Cycle Your Tank.....i Have Cycled Two Tanks---a 55 Gal. And A 45 Gal......go To Your Local Fish Store And Buy About 4-5 Black Mollys For .99 Cents....they Survive Fine And I Have Actually Kept A Couple In My Tanks Once I've Added Saltwater Fish...