Search results

  1. tangstank

    Organic Broccoli Food for Tangs?

    Any Organic Broccoli we use for cooking from a general produce store. Home grown Broccoli works great as well as long as you use only organic fertilizers.
  2. tangstank

    Organic Broccoli Food for Tangs?

    I read somewhere that Organic Broccoli is a great food for tangs & angels. I am sure Broccoli does not grow in ocean.........But then my fish seems to Love them........May be they taste like sea weed. Any ways I read that Organic Broccoli enhances the color of the fish and I do see that with my...
  3. tangstank

    Fire Shrimp Show Size $22.00 Chicago Area

    I have a beautiful show size Fire Shrimp. Very intutive, will come up to your hand and clean it. I am trying to get some triggers and a lion, and am concerned on harm to the shrimp. Let me know if any of you are interested.
  4. tangstank

    Fire Shrimp Show Size $22.00 Chicago Area

    I have a beautiful show size Fire Shrimp. Very intutive, will come up to your hand and clean it. I am trying to get some triggers and a lion, and am concerned on harm to the shrimp. Let me know if any of you are interested.
  5. tangstank

    Pics of my new 533 gallon tank

    Keep the pics comming..........this is a very interesting project to follow. I am getting hooked on to this thread.
  6. tangstank

    Any Chicagoan Traders?

    I have beautiful Kenya Tree for trading. I also have few purple urchin. Any body interested? I really want to get some color for my tank I live in Downtown Chicago.
  7. tangstank

    Urchin pics

    Check this out.
  8. tangstank

    pink tip anemone

    What are you expecting for this? Email
  9. tangstank

    xenia anyone?

    Do you have more? I really need some Xenia :jumping: I have nice Kenya Tree to trade. :cheer: Email me at
  10. tangstank

    Urchins Anybody Chicago area trade

    I don't mind shipping it, I suppose they are hardy and ships easily too. You propose what you would like like to trade them for. I am definately open. Any small coral frags.....? Email me at
  11. tangstank

    Urchins Anybody Chicago area trade

    I took a picture of just 1 urchin, they are all around the tank. At the time I took the picture others were behind the rock.......or hiding............ And yes I have a lot of aptasia, I got to get a peppermint shirimp.
  12. tangstank

    Large Beautiful Kenya Tree for Trade

    Here are some pictures, I have 2 sets of pics for each tree.
  13. tangstank

    Urchins Anybody Chicago area trade

    Pictures of Urchin and my tank :cheer:
  14. tangstank

    Urchins Anybody Chicago area trade

    I have quite a few urchins in my tank, I have no idea where it got in from, spot them real tiny in my tank and now I have about half a dozen golf ball sized urchins (Not really but a little smaller I guess) in my 37 gallon. This explains why I have no fish and just a lot of corals and urchins...
  15. tangstank

    Large Beautiful Kenya Tree for Trade

    I have 2 beautiful large Kenya Tree corals. They have grown beautifully and spread wide and are about 4 inches tall and 3 inches wide. They are too large for my 37 gallon and I want to make some room. I am willing to trade this individually or both of them together. I will post some pictures...
  16. tangstank

    Unknown creatures in Reef tank

    I have not medicated my tank at all, only the B-Ionic supplement, and this is absolutely wonderful. Thanks for the tip again, I feel a lot relived. My tank is crying out for some fish, but like you said I will wait for another 2 weeks before adopting a few new fellows.
  17. tangstank

    Unknown creatures in Reef tank

    I am having a lot of problems with my reef tank. First I had a powder blue tang and it died within 2 weeks because of ICH. I thought this is normal with tangs and kept my tank empty for almost 3 weeks. Then I put in a Royal Gramma, Clown, and a long nose butter fly, all these died within 2 weeks...
  18. tangstank

    Naso Tang

    This is the second time I'm getting through SWF. I was a little disappointed with the quality this time, the first time it was awesome. I guess I had tough luck. Well the fish was extremely stresssed, & weak, couple of Neon Gobies died during shipment, & the Naso died within a few hours. Well...