pink tip anemone


Okay here's the deal. My order from swf came in yesterday and my 2-3" Pink Tip anemone turned out to be HUGE!!! I'm pleased with the order but the sizes are much larger than described!:jumping:(except for the coral frags) So I'm sitting back watching this thing and its tentacles almost reach from the front of my tank to back!!! (only 12"deep) This guy is way to big for my 29g. I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who may be interested in having this guy that may have something they want to trade for it. Your welcome to email me with any offers.
These pictures were taken right after I put it in tank. It was even bigger this morning!



I just ordered one of these anemones.
I ordered a trigger for my second tank last time from SWF. It was supposed to be 2-3 inches. It turned out to be 6 inches!
But I'm not complaining... haha, they rock!