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  1. techshredder

    cycling question help!

    is it normal for the nitrates to spike then come down to 20 ppm and then spike up again to like 80 ppm
  2. techshredder

    cycling question help!

    My ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all spiked like they're supposed to. My ammonia is now at 0. My nitrite is .75 and what im confused on is my nitrate was down to 20 on an api test kit, but now it spiked way up to the highest on chart. What do i do? Is my tank even close to being done cycling? Do...
  3. techshredder

    What heater should I use in a 29 gallon biocube?

    I bought a 150 watt marineland visi-therm heater. It is too big and bulky and seems to heat the water more than I want it to. For instance, if the dial is on 78, it will raise the water temp to 81. I want to be able to hide the heater, but this one is too big. Is there any way I can hide the...
  4. techshredder

    tank is still cycling question.....

    i set my 29 gallon biocube up sept has 35 lb live rock and 20 lb of live sand .my amonia ,nitrite and nitrate all spiked .bout week ago my amonia dropped to 0 but my nitries is .750 and nitrates are 20 on a api test ph is 7.8 is there anything i need to do ?i havent done anywater...
  5. techshredder

    help with an aquarium "to be"

    buy a 29 gallon oceanic biocube
  6. techshredder

    refinishing stand

    we use alot of ml cambell stains and finshes high quality stuff dont know if you can buy direct tho. so id say for stains just go to sherwin willams and get the solvent based stain not the classic which is there oil based stain which kinda sucks to.its all preference tho.just make sure if you...
  7. techshredder

    refinishing stand

    i would just sand it down and start over........................................................................................... i would sand all the finish off and restain .restain use 1 seal coat 2 of stay away from minwax brand at all counts i think its garbage .i do wood...
  8. techshredder

    tank almost done cycling need help on live stock..

    i have a 29 gallon biocube its cycling but getting towards now trying to figure my stock list and when to add them.what should i start off with?fish i want 2 clowns ,six line wrasse and goby or lownmawer bleeny.coral mushrooms,zoos,hammer coral cuc im not sure suggestions thanks
  9. techshredder

    coral question in a 29 gallon biocube

    ok thanks
  10. techshredder

    coral question in a 29 gallon biocube

    i currently have a 29 gallon biocube with 20 lbs live sand and 45 lbs live rock.i just set it up so its cycling now but im trying to figure out what corals to stock .i only plan on using the lighting that came with so its a pc 72 watts total.i was just going to put shrooms ,zooos ,leather...can...
  11. techshredder

    purple coraline algae question

    are you sure green can turn to purple or other colors or do i need to go out and get the a rock with purple on it?
  12. techshredder

    29 gallon biocube powerhead and supplement question

    ok i have 20 lbs live sand and 45 libs live rock in 29 gallon biocube.its cycling now i just have the stock return pump.should i buy a power head if so what brands are recommended?shouldi supplement anything while its cycling ?
  13. techshredder

    purple coraline algae question

    thank you
  14. techshredder

    purple coraline algae question

    ok so i set up my 29 gallon biocube tank this weekend .i got 20 lbs live sand 45 lbs of live fuji rock.i want my rock to be purple color but all the pieces were mainly it possible to get purple coraline algae to grow or do i need a piece of it to spread?where would i get a piece to...
  15. techshredder

    live rock help....

    haha awesome thanks
  16. techshredder

    live rock help....

    ok so i bought a 29 gallon biocube made a stand .now im ready to fill it but here where i need help...i ordered 45 lbs live rock off web site even tho im not setting tank up til saturday. i had to cuz they only shipped certain days and i needed it this it supposed to arrive on...
  17. techshredder

    i need live rock/live sand and a ro/di unit

    anyone have a good website to buy any of those items at a good price ?thanks
  18. techshredder

    How Many Fish and ?'s on Cleanup Crew

    thanks for the advice!
  19. techshredder

    How Many Fish and ?'s on Cleanup Crew

    I just ordered a 29 gallon biocube. I want to know how many fish I can keep in there. I want to get 2 clownfish for sure. Also, what kind of clean up crew would work best in a 29 gallon reef tank.
  20. techshredder

    cheapest site or place to get 29 gallon biocube

    i decided on getting a 29 gallon biocube since everyone seems to like it .how many watts does the stock light have?where did u buy your biocube and how much you pay i obviously want to get it cheap as i can.i saw it at petsmart for 299.99 that seemed kind expensive for it .