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  1. dafishdude

    Starfish and feather duster

    Ok. My tank is only a couple months old so it's probably way to early to try.
  2. dafishdude

    Starfish and feather duster

    Oh, ok. Would phytoplankton be one? I'm trying to grow those too.
  3. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    man if a fish did that to me it would go straight down the toilet. lol... unless it was my precious. Well, if your trigger did that to you, well... You could say "bye bye!" To your finger.
  4. dafishdude

    Starfish and feather duster

    Microorganisms, like copepods and amphipods? I have a refugium so maybe that would help. I also have almost no algae.
  5. dafishdude

    Hermit Crab Died I Think

    Yeah, I know. I bought a lot of hermit crab shells for it but hasn't bothered with any of them.
  6. dafishdude

    Starfish and feather duster

    Ok. Thx! When do you think my tank would be ready for one. I hear they need lots of food otherwise they'll attack corals. My tank is about 4 months old.
  7. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    Oooh, ouch!
  8. dafishdude

    Hermit Crab Died I Think

    Too late! My peppermint shrimp dragged him into a hole that I can't see. He's probably eaten him by now. He looks like he's alive when he hasn't been taken by the shrimp. The exact same color, he just wouldn't move so I think it's not a molt.
  9. dafishdude

    Starfish and feather duster

    Yes, that's the starfish I wanted. The red fromia. Will it also attack shrimp, hermit crabs, or snails?
  10. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    Only one of my clowns bite me and it's only when I put put hand near him. I never knew they had teeth! I just let mine nibble at my fingers just because it tickles.
  11. dafishdude

    Hermit Crab Died I Think

    Hey guys, my hermit crab died just recently I think, I'm not sure if it's molting but I don't think so. It hasn't been moving for a very long time and was halfway out of its shell. The peppermint shrimp had just tore it out of its shells and is tearing it apart but the crabs not moving. Could...
  12. dafishdude

    Starfish and feather duster

    Ok thx!
  13. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    Ok thx! It's kinda going off topic in a thread called damsel problems but whatever!
  14. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    Ok, u mean for the saltwater. For freshwater I think every other day is good because my fish are tiny.
  15. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    My levels in the freshwater tank seem good. The plant help reduce nitrate levels in the tank. It isn't really good to take out some fish because they prefer groups of 5 or more to be happy. People even sell 1 gallon tanks and people even put one or two fish in there. I'm not going to add more...
  16. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    :flame:  7 fish?????  In a tiny itty bitty 5g tank!!!!! Even in a freshwater planted tank, that's an outrageously small tank and way overstocked. In a 10g saltwater tank, you can only keep a single tiny fish, such as a yellow clown goby, and maybe a couple of snails and a shrimp. Again...
  17. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    Well yeah, the clowns hated the tank. I've seen people with 2 clowns in a 2 gallon and the clowns seemed happy. I thought it would be even better with having 2 clowns in a tank 2 and a half times as large. I recently learned I have to be careful with stocking in saltwater (my 5 gallon planted...
  18. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    i wouldent listen to them they give bad info in my experience. and just an FYI you could get in troble if you say the name of another bisness on this site. I don't think I would get in trouble because it was kindof an insult for having wrong info.
  19. dafishdude

    Damsel problems

    Hi, I don't THINK you will get into trouble for using another name on the site...I know you can't post a link to another site. *********** does not give advice at all. They list the fish they sell, and give what is basically known about them. Aggression in your tank isn't just the fish's...
  20. dafishdude

    How and what to feed hermit crab

    Agreed. Alot of red legs I see have cerith shells, but the blue legs have some weird shell idk what it is lol My red leg when I bought it had some shell that looked like it came from a fighting conch but idk. I got it at *****, just so you guys know, I don't buy fish from them except for the...