Hermit Crab Died I Think


Hey guys, my hermit crab died just recently I think, I'm not sure if it's molting but I don't think so. It hasn't been moving for a very long time and was halfway out of its shell. The peppermint shrimp had just tore it out of its shells and is tearing it apart but the crabs not moving. Could that be the crabs molt? And if the crab has died should I take it out?


Too late! My peppermint shrimp dragged him into a hole that I can't see. He's probably eaten him by now. He looks like he's alive when he hasn't been taken by the shrimp. The exact same color, he just wouldn't move so I think it's not a molt.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DaFishDude http:///t/397848/hermit-crab-died-i-think#post_3547929
Hey guys, my hermit crab died just recently I think, I'm not sure if it's molting but I don't think so. It hasn't been moving for a very long time and was halfway out of its shell. The peppermint shrimp had just tore it out of its shells and is tearing it apart but the crabs not moving. Could that be the crabs molt? And if the crab has died should I take it out?


Why remove it? LOL the shrimp is already taking care of it...don't bother.

Just so you know: Hermit crabs need shells laying about that are larger then the one they are in, when they outgrow the shell they need to move to a new one, or they die stuck in the old one. When snails are around they kill the snails for their shells.