Search results

  1. rosco

    whats a good jawfish?

    I was wondering if you guys help me find a good jawfish or gobie that will burrow in the sand and peek out. something with nice colors like a blue spotted jawfish but without the 100+ price tag. its going into 55 gal reef. thanx
  2. rosco

    live sand!!what should i do?

    I just bought a bag of live sand for a fuge, and there was alot more brown sticks (not sure what it is) in the sand than I thought. I was wondering what should I do with them. thanks in advance.:notsure:
  3. rosco

    refuge substrate? please help

    I know this question has been asked plenty of time but I,m having trouble finding a thread with the exact answers. But i was wondering what would be the best substrate for my refugium? I was going to use 1/2 live sand 1/2 regular sand found at lfs, but after reading a few threads I read...
  4. rosco

    clownfish gender?

    How can you tell the differece between male and female tomato clowns?
  5. rosco

    lighting for refugium

    Could someone give me the run down for the lighting needed for a refugium. It will only have 10-12 gal, about 8-9 inches of water and the lights will be about 3-4 inches above the water. How long should the lights stay on and how many watts/gallon? thanks
  6. rosco

    Refugium Aglae Needed.

    me too
  7. rosco

    is 7-9 inches enough water for a fuge?

    Is 7-9 inches of water in a 22 x 15 bin with 2 inches of sustrate enough water and substrate for a descent fuge? My tank is only 55 gal. but its the only thing that will fit under the stand. thanks
  8. rosco

    Bio Ball question

    can too many bio balls cause the nitrates in the water to increase. and can too many bioballs compete with live rock for bacteria
  9. rosco

    w/d and PS????

    Is it o.k. to combine a W/D and a PS. if it is could you have too big of a W/D or too many bio balls and cause high nitrate problem or a struggle for bacteria betwwen the media and the LR?
  10. rosco

    UV sterelizers

    I recently got a used uv sterelizer, people have told not keep on the tank 24/7, as it may do may harm than good. others say only to sterelize the water I use for changes. any suggestion?
  11. rosco

    Tap Water?

    O.K. I guess I wont change my water w/ tap . but would the distilled from wal-mart be o.k.? Thanks for your advice
  12. rosco

    Tap Water?

    I hate to start up the heated debate, but I would really like to know the difference between tap water and ro/di. I would appreciate it if someone could give me the different nutrients metals and vitamins in both so I could make an educated decision. Again I do not wish to start feuds between...
  13. rosco

    mechanical filters?

    If i regularly change the media in the filters, do mechanical filters still offset the balance of the water.
  14. rosco

    water change

    is using tap water that big of a deal, and how long should you let it sit before changing
  15. rosco

    starting over need some help

    I do understand the the push for the upgrade in lighting but these lights promoted growth in many of my previous corals, nothing major just a few brains, mushrooms, and a flower pot. I guess my question should be do certain spectrums of light die out before others causing what seems to be...
  16. rosco

    starting over need some help

    For the past year and a half my tank was severly neglected. everything died including the live rock (still purple). I started completly over by buying new sand, filter media, clening etc... . I kept what used to be 80 lbs. of live rock, and I was wondering how long it would take to house...