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  1. sandyc24pa

    Purple ribbon gorgonian

    Yes, it's waving in the flow.
  2. sandyc24pa

    Purple ribbon gorgonian

    Not quite sure how to answer your question. I am aware that they need good flow, and I believe there is - though I'm not sure how to gauge/measure 'good flow'.
  3. sandyc24pa

    Purple ribbon gorgonian

    About 5 days ago, I placed a purple ribbon gorgonian in my tank and within a few hours, the polyps were extended. Just yesterday, I noticed no visible polyps, and they haven't been out since. Is this normal, or a sign that something is wrong, or ...? Thanks for any info/advice.
  4. sandyc24pa

    Clowns digging

    I have a clown that also does this 'digging'. The tank doesn't have an anemone. If we added an anemone, any thoughts on whether or not the clown would stop the digging?