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  1. izzy69

    what is this stuff

    ok thanks alot....will it hurt if i stir the sand up when i go to add the rest of the rock?
  2. izzy69

    what is this stuff

    so how long does it usually stay around for? will it hurt if i go ahead and add my dry rock to the tank? so can i go ahead and start the cycle in my tank? im really ancious to add some fish................ but i know this stuff takes time and patience. so i want to do it right. ive had my live...
  3. izzy69

    what is this stuff

    i read on some other forum that is diatom...but i dont know if its bad or what and when it will go away or if i need to do something about it.and i havnt even put anythin in the tan to start the cycle.....unless the die off on my live rock started it and i didnt even realize it....
  4. izzy69

    what is this stuff

    so i just started this new 55 gal tank and i added about 20 lbs of live dry rock is on its way...any way the past couple of days i have been noticing that my sand looks like it changing colors...what is this i will post a pic when i get home..i just hope it doesnt hurt my
  5. izzy69

    started new aquarium

    Ok cool .......and once again thanks for all your help....1 more question so after the whole cycle is over would it a good idea to put 2 clowns or just one???? Can u have more than one clown in the same tank???? Also do saltwater snails reproduce like they do in freshwater? ????
  6. izzy69

    started new aquarium

    Thanks for the info......and yeah the number on the back was just an old nick name I had from when I played halo online years ago and it just stuck with me LOL......another thing I was wondering was I have the live rock in my tank already and I am waiting on the dry rock to arrive....will the...
  7. izzy69

    started new aquarium

    ok so im a newb when it comes to saltwater. and i know that u need live rock in a aquarium for biological filtration. i want to do a FOWLR tank that im doing for my daughter(and myself dont get me wrong i love fish)...anyways i guess my first question is that....Do u need all of the rock first...