Search results

  1. jbfastlane

    Fluval 404 Question

    Help - I purchased a Fluval 404 filter system. It's a nice system. However - I can't seem to get the unit to seal. Basically it leaks like crazy. HELP!!!!!!!!!! I have gone over and over the instructions and seem to have all the right parts and assembled correctly. There is a rubber gasket...
  2. jbfastlane

    whats on my glass??

    Kim - I have the same light brown colored growth. My conditions pretty much duplicate yours. It is very strong stuff. A razor blade is the only way to remove it. Can't help otherwise......hope we both get some answers soon. JB
  3. jbfastlane

    water movement

    This may be a dumb question, but is there a desirable amount of bubbles the powerhead should or should not create??? Sometimes between my protein skimmer and my powerheads I get a tankfull of small bubbles. Other times the water is very clear and few bubbles. This hobby is very enjoyable -...
  4. jbfastlane

    Mantis Tank Pics

    Another question here guys - how are you catching those things in your tanks? I have one and will be ready to send it to the first to say I -- but I gotta catch the little SH*T first. Just bought a trap at the LFS. I tried the nylon and plastic bottle deal to no avail. I hear him knocking...
  5. jbfastlane

    Disappearing Fish

    I feel your pain Silver - I have a Mantis problem and have been thru the list of remedies. I've used a trap - I've dipped my live rock -- everything but a shotgun!!!!!!!!!!! I currently have a Tang and that's it. My snails and crabs (over 40) are disappearing slow but sure. I found two more...
  6. jbfastlane

    Anemone dieing

    Not to distrust the last guy's opinion, but does everyone agree that anem's don't survive but a few months and are hard to keep etc etc etc. I was thinking about getting one - but I've thrown away enough money feeding my mantis freak shrimp (not intentially) and don't want to continue throwing...
  7. jbfastlane

    Crab Question

    I was just wondering - what specific care do hermits require? I have blue legs and a few scarlets. Just wondering what special care, chemicals, food they require to stay healthy. thanks.
  8. jbfastlane orders

    I got my order today also. I have to say it was pretty good. The one scarlet crab I received is HUGE!!!!!!! Nice size turbos snails. My only issue was the neon wrasse I ordered was DOA. This is my first order so I don't know how the return/refund thing works. I have followed the instructions...
  9. jbfastlane


    My worry is that they vary so much. Which is right? Or I guess which is closer to right?
  10. jbfastlane


    I have a maybe dumb question. I originally purchased a cheap plastic square box type with the plastic arrow hydrometer. I've been using it faithfully - however I found a glass one on sale with the temp inside as well as the salinity and decided to buy it as I've been told the cheap model isn't...
  11. jbfastlane


    I'm new to this forum and saltwater also - can you explain a little further on the use of garlic?? This might be stupid but are we talking fresh garlic, garlic powder, specific garlic from the LFS??? What type of method is used to apply?? Sorry I see alot of good info on here - but never any...
  12. jbfastlane

    Aquariums breaking

    Being new to saltwater I read many forums and YES - you need to make sure your stand is level - I have seen posts from people whose aquariums developed cracks and worse. Remember the weight of the water is like 3lbs per gallon and exerts alot of pressure. My opinion.
  13. jbfastlane


    I can't guarantee this is the best procedure, but I have been looking for a suspected Mantis Shrimp in my tank and was told to use the following procedure. Unfortunately - it didn't get me any Mantis, but I found three large bristle worms. Mixed a bucket of high salinity water using carbonated...
  14. jbfastlane

    Yellow Tang Question

    Well Bang - I've lost 8 fish, 11 crabs, 8 snails and can't find a piece or part of one of them. I guess if I have a Mantis - dipping may find the little &$^$
  15. jbfastlane

    Yellow Tang Question

    Are you saying use carbonated water at high salinity for the dipping?? How long should I dip - 5 mins?? Thanks for the advice.....I'll post the resolution when it happens.
  16. jbfastlane

    Yellow Tang Question

    I have a possible Mantis shrimp eating all my livestock. I am thinking that whatever the demon is chased the tang all night and freaked him out thus the white spots. He is eating ok. Appears very skiddish. Scared. For Azonic - yes I have a trap set with crab meat as bait. No luck. My next try...
  17. jbfastlane

    Yellow Tang Question

    ALright guys - in my latest dilemna of the salt water twilight zone here's a situation. 2 Days ago my yellow tang had a horizontal white strip down both sides of his torso first thing in the morning. That evening it was gone. This morning he was covered literally all over with white bumps -...
  18. jbfastlane

    Mantis Shrimp

    Well forgive my ugly feelings towards the Mantis family - I've lost my entire $150 investment of crabs, fish, snails and such to whatever demon-spawn I got in my live rock. So understandably I can have a few bad feelings to the little losers!!!
  19. jbfastlane

    Mantis Shrimp

    Next time you're in the store poison the little SOB!!!!!!! When I find the one I have - I'm going to torture it!!!!!!!!!
  20. jbfastlane

    Need help identifying something.......

    Hey Ags - I still have 2-3 crabs left. None are bigger than about a dime I-d say. How the heck can they catch a fish??? Crabs don't swim. The puzzling thing is my snails have been ravaged too. Thing is they hang out near the water level. What's going out an catching a fish - certainly not a...