Mantis Shrimp


Went to a LFS today and he had a 6-8 inch long mantis shrimp for sale, $40 bucks. That thing was cool looking.. So I figured I would stick my hand up to the tank to see what it would do. It came towards my hand several times. I walked around the store some more and went back. Stuck my had up again and it hit the glass so had I though it broke the tank. The LFG started laughing. (because I jumped out of my shoes). That is one mean SOB. Next time I'm in the area I'll see if I can get a pic of it.


Next time you're in the store poison the little SOB!!!!!!!
When I find the one I have - I'm going to torture it!!!!!!!!!
the mantis shrimp i got in some live rock is about the ugliest shrimp there is. He is pretty much black, no irredesience or any color on him. I set him up in a 30 long , had him with my triggers. They didnt even mess with him!! WOW !
He may be ugly , but he is cool for a predator you can have ! people just dont expect a shrimp to be so powerfull and vicious. When i first found him i was not happy , i even thought about Aceing him. But after about a month he is still here. Has his own tank with a few annoying damsels in it.He is fed every other day and he has broken 3 bamboo scewers !


I want a mantis reeeeeal bad!!! you guys get em in your LR your so lucky!!
Next time try to grab the mantis shrimp.... dont poke it... its like poking a bear with a toothpick.... watch what happens


Well forgive my ugly feelings towards the Mantis family - I've lost my entire $150 investment of crabs, fish, snails and such to whatever demon-spawn I got in my live rock. So understandably I can have a few bad feelings to the little losers!!!


I agree with some of the above. I have heard of them breaking tanks. Not to mention almost wiping them out. Not a smart idea putting it in!!!!


When I finally got mine out he was set free, to fare for himself in my canal!!! He is probably huge now...I have heard tale of a Lock-Ness monster style animal which swallowed up my neighbors dingy...Who knows...