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  1. little fishie

    unknown reason for hair algae help????

    we had that problem and we got a tang and he ate all of the algea and he keeps it gone, thats what helped us, but im not telling you to get a tang, because, i dont know if you have room for it, we have a 50 gal. tank and he is our only fish. hth <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif"...
  2. little fishie


    ok i did a 10gal water change, and here are the results ammonia .50, nitate 40ppm, ph 8.2,nitrite .25ppm i will do another water change in a few days
  3. little fishie

    10 gal nano?

    t thas wat i needed toknow
  4. little fishie

    Prices for RO water

    we pay .40 cents a gallon at our lfs. ;)