

2 days ago i tested my water everyting was fine,
tank had been set up for 14 weeks, so i added a green carpet that is all i have besides a pb tang that i have had for 4 weeks, i add 5 drops of liqud calcium,5 drops of iodine, 5 drops of strontium & molybdenum. and now my ammonia is in between 1.0 & 2.0 why what did i do and how do i get them down ph is fine nitrite and nitrate a little high <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


thanks for the hrlp ed i have just put ro water to top off the tank should i do a water chage to lower it nothing has died <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


ok the only thing i can think of is that yesterday i dropped one of the lights into the tank while feeding the carpet, which i feed 1 shrinp every other day. the tang grazes on algea all the time, and 1 time a week some marine flake food. the tang was in the tank for 3 weeks before i got the carpet. i have a hot mangum filter with bio wheel, a 1100 marineland powerhead, 60lbs. of live rock, 40lbs. of agronite, a 50/50 coralife (dropped the powerglo in the tank) and getting the light and a skimmer this week. we use the dry-tab master test kit and i just retested everything in the tank and now they read ammonia-1.0, nitrate-20, nitrite-0.25, and ph-8.2. does this help any

little fishie

New Member
ok i did a 10gal water change, and here are the results ammonia .50, nitate 40ppm, ph 8.2,nitrite .25ppm i will do another water change in a few days


I think the reason the ammonia may have gone up was because you change the carbon out. During the cycle bacteria culture on to anything that is touching the water includng your carbon filter. When you changed these you lost valuable bacteria. Making the bacteria reestablish itself. In the future I wouldn't change the carbon and if you do want, do it little by little. TO tell you the truth I don't even use carbon all it is really is a water polisher.HTH
Happy Fish Keepin'