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  1. saltfisher


    Yeah, they were BonnetHeads. They were around 6". I was told that they will start selling them when they get a little bigger. Around 10". They were eating though. She told me that they sell atleast 120 of them every year. As for being in captivity, i'm not sure. I know they are in the...
  2. saltfisher


    Hmmmm.....The only sharks in the tank here at my local aquarium are Bonnetheads. Said to be one of the nicer sharks that don't get too large. I talked to the person who runs the exhibit and he told me that.
  3. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

    Sweet! So you had 4 sharks in there? What was the tank size? I bet you were pissed to see that go. It was a beautiful tank. I thought about another leopard, but dont want to overcrowd. Have you ever dealt with a Wobbegong?
  4. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

    Splash, That is sand, not coral. It's white sand mixed with a little black. There are a few pieces of coral in there just for the look. Thanks for the time frame on them outgrowing the tank.
  5. saltfisher


    Has anyone here ever known of someone keeping one of these. I saw a few for $300 the other day. They were about 6". The coolest looking shark. A baby hammerhead..
  6. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

    They are in a 180g. After watching Shark Week, I don't think I will be able to keep the Leopard for life. The ShoothHound I'm not sure of. This is the first time I've had one and don't know of anyone else that has either. As for a plan B, I have a friend that has a 975g tank that may take...
  7. saltfisher

    Coral Catshark and Marbled Catsharks

    Do a search. There was one guy on here a few weeks ago that bought two and they both died. He had pics attached.
  8. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

    It's a SmoothHound. He's a really active shark. Even more than the Leopard.
  9. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

    These are there tank mates.
  10. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

    last one
  11. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

  12. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

  13. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

  14. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

    Here are few pics of my new babies.
  15. saltfisher

    Any "Six-Bar Angels"?

    I just bought one and would like to see pics of some. Thanks!
  16. saltfisher

    F/S smouth hound sharks local P/U only

    Does your SH swim weird? Like stick his head out the water, anything not like any other shark? Mine does and so does a few other peoples on this site.
  17. saltfisher

    Shark Week

    The Sharks Under the Glass was a great show. Funny how most of the common sharks that we have are ones that are in a touch/feed pool. Those pics of the Whitetips/Blacktips and Leopards was great. I would so love to have a huge tank where I could let them stay for life. That show made me...
  18. saltfisher

    Anyone here have any "Lookdowns"?

    I posted in the agg forum because I don't know the behavior of them. They sure do look aggressive. Our aquarium here has a school of about 60 in the tank.
  19. saltfisher

    Anyone here have any "Lookdowns"?

    A friend of mine just bought 3 of them and I wanted to find out a little about them.
  20. saltfisher

    Smoothhound swimming normal?

    If that's the case, we shouldn't even have fish tanks because no one here has anything that can compare to the ocean.