My Shark Pics...


They are in a 180g. After watching Shark Week, I don't think I will be able to keep the Leopard for life. The ShoothHound I'm not sure of. This is the first time I've had one and don't know of anyone else that has either. As for a plan B, I have a friend that has a 975g tank that may take them. They are eating very well. I feed them shrimp and silversides. I just drop the silversides in, the shrimp I cut into four pieces and drop in.
Thanks for the compliments!


both will outgrow the tank in about 2 years.... the sharks look good... I have had leopards and smoothounds, both do well in the aquarium.... you might have a problem with crushed coral scratching their bellies.. IMO, swap out the crushed coral for sand....


Splash, That is sand, not coral. It's white sand mixed with a little black. There are a few pieces of coral in there just for the look. Thanks for the time frame on them outgrowing the tank.


This is a pic of the 2 smoothounds I had.. one had a severe spine problem when I bought him..... (2 leopards in the middle of the tank) one of the smoothounds is in the top right...


Sweet! So you had 4 sharks in there? What was the tank size? I bet you were pissed to see that go. It was a beautiful tank. I thought about another leopard, but dont want to overcrowd. Have you ever dealt with a Wobbegong?


damn, u guys got it going on, does anyone know where i can get any of these babies (leapords or smoothounds), that will ship to miami, fl