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  1. dragracer


    I would suggest a day trip up to PA!!
  2. dragracer

    Yellow tang, reddening

    I have a small yellow tang, in a 55...I know I know please don't reprimand me for that.......there is a new tank coming the day after christmas....anyway.......I give him a balanced diet of algae/seeweed sheet, nori, spiriluna(sp) and some meaty foods that he doesn't go nuts over. But over the...
  3. dragracer

    Fish in one tank

    I also found out on here I am over stocked. I am upgrading though but still finding a new home for my Yellow Tang. Right now I have a smal clown, a small huma huma and a small Yellow tang in a 55. I am moving up to a 75 but still getting rid of the yellow tang.
  4. dragracer

    WHat did You Start With

    Heres my little tale. # years ago, FW 10 gallon. Then went FW 55 gallon. Then moved FW into 30 gallon, and then, I am ashamed to say jumped into SW without doing my homework. For the most part I got very lucky. Lost only one fish. It was still a shame for him. I blame my LFS but thats a...
  5. dragracer

    Wats the safest way to do this~

    Its a project!!!!!
  6. dragracer

    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    Eric Estrada :) Chips...get it? anyway, mine ate algae, shrimp....even hopped on some flake food that made it to the bottom. Basically, whatever he could hop on, he would eat.
  7. dragracer


    wow dude, you're good. I didn't know I could take all that in at once. But yes, It does help alot...ALOT. Well I look at it this way. I have a FO tank for now. Slowly adding LR. Since I inherited the Wet/Dry with bioballs. I am gonna see how it works. Maybe eventually(IOW, when i get more...
  8. dragracer


    or general opinions?
  9. dragracer

    quarantine substrate

    sorry. What i was told to do is painted the bottom of the tank black (On the outside) so the fish isn't freaked out by its own reflection. some people paint the sides too. I know I went farther than your Q asked, but i feel smarter now!!
  10. dragracer

    quarantine substrate

    Here is what I have heard and read, and do myself. Substrate will hold any kind of treatments you add to your water. Like if you treat your water with copper, there will always be copper in the substrate. I learned that here
  11. dragracer

    How over priced is your LFS

    LFS Supreme Mag 7. 89.00 place in Lancaster PA......professional fish retailer I won't name. Supreme Mag 7 51.00 LFS stores are outragousely priced!!
  12. dragracer


    Yes I too am making a mistake. I have a YT in a 55, shamefully, ith a small Huma Huma. Thanks to the wonderful LFS info I made the purchases. Then I found this site. My only saving grace is that they are both young, and small. My tank has been up for 8 months and all the params are good. So...
  13. dragracer


    Ok so I inherited a wet/dry and have it up and running with help from you all. I went back and have been re-reading SW aquairiums for dummies, and they say bioballs are great for wet/dry, but on here I have seen a few people who are against them. What are some pro's and cons?
  14. dragracer

    pre planning

    Ok so right now I have a 55 gallon FO..mostly, I got 5 pounds of LR as a gift, but anyway. In it I have a clownfish, a Huma Huma Trigger(1 1/2) and a yellow tang. As soon as I can find a home for my last FW pleco, I am turning my 30 FW into a home for my clownfish, hopefully getting a buddy for...
  15. dragracer

    what to use for top off?

    We don't use a softener pr anything. Our water is still pretty pure since we liveon the side of a moutnain in Pennsylvania. There a a few people around here that have SW tanks, and we all use well water and only one that i know has had a problem, but that was his fault, he put some additive in...
  16. dragracer

    Fish for Thanksgiving

    I have never had luck with a Pajama Cardinal. Its the only fish that for some reason I can't keep!! Well out of all the fish I've tried anyway. After 3, I just said no more.
  17. dragracer

    Wet Dry help

    any tricks?
  18. dragracer

    fish size?

    Well personally, I have a 55 gallon and was very hesitant to put a yellow tang in it. They need lots and lots of room to swim. And I made sure to set my tank up so he would have plenty of room. On the other hand, I met a freind who told me he was into SW fish and he had me over one day to see...
  19. dragracer

    Wet Dry help

    I posted in New Hobbyists, but I didn't get much help.....mainly because I worded my Q wrong. I am just having a terrible time with my Wet/Dry. I can't get it started(again). I just can't seem to be able to siphon my water through the U tube. Anyone know any tricks? I just got it from a...
  20. dragracer

    Eric Estrada

    Thats how I knew mine was dead, there was NO WAY Eric Estrada could have played dead that well!