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  1. vac man

    ID Please

    I have a three year old flower pot. I feed it marine snow once a week just with my regular tank feeding. And two or three times a month i use a plastic jug and spot feed it oyster eggs. Dont know much it was the only coral i had besides one brain for a long time. Bought it from a guy taking down...
  2. vac man

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    I Want to see the pics. Why cant i see them? I see the posts pic 1, pic 2, etc.... Now i know how Helen Keller felt.
  3. vac man

    To Simple Of A System To Be True Or Not?

    BMP THe plastic pipes are under the samd bed. It is a lot diffrent than an under gravel. They are wrapped in crush vcoral and a fiber mesh.
  4. vac man

    To Simple Of A System To Be True Or Not?

    I have a 150 gal aquarium. I just purchased a small 29g tank to use as a refugium. It has a strange "PLENTUM" filter in it. There are two rectangles of pvc pipe with hloles drilled in the bottom of it. It is inside of a mesh screen material and the tubing is packed in large crush corral. The guy...
  5. vac man

    MH ballast/ bulbs and sockets for sale

    ANy chance you are still selling smails. I would like about 300 . Let me know Vac Man
  6. vac man

    Bio Balls and Refugium

    I am planning to use my sump and the refugium. My sump is an oceanic 30gal and i have a skimmer and a heater in it. W What do you think of using BIO FOAM in the sump where the balls where.
  7. vac man

    Bio Balls and Refugium

  8. vac man

    San Antonio

    They ship from this website in bags for almost a day and i never lost one yet. One Texan to another just dont let them get hot.... I took my fish from a Houston LFS in Chilies for dinner. Sat them next to me in a cheap styrofam cooler. Tried to keep them at about 78 . Good luck
  9. vac man

    Bio Balls and Refugium

  10. vac man

    Bio Balls and Refugium

    Bio balls and refugium Bio Balls I have been told by my LFS not to use bio balls but instead use Bio Foam. Also I have been told neither should be submerged in water. The water should just trickle through. Any opinions. Also would it be better to use some rubble LR. I have been told bio balls...
  11. vac man

    Crazy purple Tang What Can I do?

    Now coral beaty is just staying in the rocks. Comes out very little This is Day 6
  12. vac man

    Crazy purple Tang What Can I do?

    Well i built a trap out of a gatorade bottle works okay. Three hours caught two tangs. ANyway i can catch them without moving rock i think. I have 200 lbs. It would be a job. Anyway i still dont see a concise answer. Do i remove all the tangs befor i add any and re introduce all three...
  13. vac man

    Crazy purple Tang What Can I do?

    Originally Posted by Dogstar IMO your Idea sounds just right. If the Hippo is not bothering the Angel. But when you add the Purple and Powder in might think about the Hippo. It could become a proplem and not want them back in HIS tank. Would a solution be to take the hippo out at that point...
  14. vac man

    Crazy purple Tang What Can I do?

    Crazy purple Tang What Can I do? Crazy purple Tang What Can I do? I have a purple tang Med. in size. He is in a 135-gal tank with some other fish. A Hippo Tang, Maroon Clown, Lawn Mower, Diamond Goby, and a neon Goby. I just lost a P Powder Blue Tang. It happens to have been my wife’s favorite...
  15. vac man

    Fuge lighting/ UV Sterilizer/ Calcium Reactor

    Hey Birdy. What Kind of flow should i run through my sump. I was wondering if i could just T off the existing outlets and run one in i guess it would be a semi closed loop. I could put a chek valve and run the inlets into a y and enter back through my existing inlets with both pumps on one...
  16. vac man

    Refugium Light

    Sorry I Posted This Twice>
  17. vac man

    Refugium Light

    I was thinking of using a generic aquarium hood with ballast that usually comes with cheap tanks. It has a 15w bulb but I think they make up to a 20w. It is a 24-inch hood off a 20gal tall. Do you think this is enough light for a refugium with algae in it? I use a small 100-watt fluorescent bulb...
  18. vac man

    Refugium Light

    I was thinking of using a generic aquarium hood with ballast that usually comes with cheap tanks. It has a 15w bulb but I think they make up to a 20w. It is a 24-inch hood off a 20gal tall. Do you think this is enough light for a refugium with algae in it? I use a small 100-watt fluorescent bulb...
  19. vac man

    refugium Light

    I was thinking of using a generic aquarium hood with ballast that usually comes with cheap tanks. It has a 15w bulb but I think they make up to a 20w. It is a 24-inch hood off a 20gal tall. Do you think this is enough light for a refugium with algae in it? I use a small 100-watt fluorescent bulb...
  20. vac man

    Live Rock

    Where in TX>>>