Crazy purple Tang What Can I do?

vac man

Crazy purple Tang What Can I do? Crazy purple Tang What Can I do?
I have a purple tang Med. in size. He is in a 135-gal tank with some other fish. A Hippo Tang, Maroon Clown, Lawn Mower, Diamond Goby, and a neon Goby. I just lost a P Powder Blue Tang. It happens to have been my wife’s favorite. Now she wants to replace it. She comes home with a corral Beauty angel and the fight begins there. The tang keeps the Beauty in the rocks. It has been going on for two days. It is getting better but still I am concern3ed. She wants to add the powder blue. The last time we added them all together. Here is my idea. What if I take out purple and put in my other tank then let the coral beauty settle in. The add the purple and a powder blue at the same time a few weeks down the road. Move him back into the main tank. Or I could maybe add the powder now and then wait awhile to add the purple. Any ideas or suggestions.
Thanks To All From
The Vac Man


Active Member
IMO your Idea sounds just right. If the Hippo is not bothering the Angel. But when you add the Purple and Powder in might think about the Hippo. It could become a proplem and not want them back in HIS tank.

vac man

Originally Posted by Dogstar
IMO your Idea sounds just right. If the Hippo is not bothering the Angel. But when you add the Purple and Powder in might think about the Hippo. It could become a proplem and not want them back in HIS tank.

Would a solution be to take the hippo out at that point and then put them all in at the same time. I have three other tanks i could put one in each tank. THree tanks in my office where i work. I could then bring them home all at once. Not fun to catch though. Can not imagine trying to catch all three. I watched more tv at one time than i ever had wating to sping the lid on my fish trap to catch the purple.
I am open to suggestions on catching them. I have lots of rock with LOTS of places to run and hide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dmitry
I think surprising them while feeding is the best way. :happyfish

??? thats sounds like a horrible idea. if i put a new fish in the tank during feeding they would jump all over the new guy trying to get there food.
now AFTER a big feeding i think is a good time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
??? thats sounds like a horrible idea. if i put a new fish in the tank during feeding they would jump all over the new guy trying to get there food.
now AFTER a big feeding i think is a good time.
and maybe if there is a couple things you can re arrange would probably help too after a large feeding

michelle l

Originally Posted by oceana
??? thats sounds like a horrible idea. if i put a new fish in the tank during feeding they would jump all over the new guy trying to get there food.
now AFTER a big feeding i think is a good time.
I think the poster meant to catch a fish during feeding is a good time because they are off guard?


Active Member
I think the feeding suprise was suggested as a way to catch the fish, not how to introduce them.
Catching fish from an establish tank with lots of live rock is never easy. Tangs are pretty smart and Hippos normaly dive for cover at the first sign of something strang to them. I beleave its best to just make the choice to remove the rock to make possible if you truly want to do it right and have the best chance for it to work out.
You could just wait out the Angle at this point because I think the agression from the Purple may not last that long and the angle should be OK if theres lots of rock for it to hide in because they will spend alot of time in the rocks any way.
Once you get the Powder and after QT if you do QT which I sugest you do because Powders are THE hardest fish to indroduce and to avoid additional stress that WILL lead to ICK with that fish if not allowd to rebuild immune system. Hope you understood that. haha,,, remove the rock so you can catch the other tangs and put them in you other tanks for about a week and then replace rock in a different build. Then place them in together or maybe the Powder a day or two ahead and then it will be like new to all and they will have to reclaim territory.
Its always tricky trying to add tangs together and sometimes even doing it right still may fail. Its a gamble that you have to deside if its worth the time and trouble and risk of loseing fish that you already have from sickness from the stress.
Sorry to ramble but I wish you luck.

vac man

Well i built a trap out of a gatorade bottle works okay. Three hours caught two tangs. ANyway i can catch them without moving rock i think. I have 200 lbs. It would be a job. Anyway i still dont see a concise answer. Do i remove all the tangs befor i add any and re introduce all three together. My hippo tang is not to aggressive at all. I think she would deal with a couple of new freinds. Anyway just as an update four days later. The purple tang has quit chasing the angel. But the angel just stays in the rocks. Does not come out much and does not even come out at feeding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I think the feeding suprise was suggested as a way to catch the fish, not how to introduce them.
Catching fish from an establish tank with lots of live rock is never easy. Tangs are pretty smart and Hippos normaly dive for cover at the first sign of something strang to them. I beleave its best to just make the choice to remove the rock to make possible if you truly want to do it right and have the best chance for it to work out.
You could just wait out the Angle at this point because I think the agression from the Purple may not last that long and the angle should be OK if theres lots of rock for it to hide in because they will spend alot of time in the rocks any way.
Once you get the Powder and after QT if you do QT which I sugest you do because Powders are THE hardest fish to indroduce and to avoid additional stress that WILL lead to ICK with that fish if not allowd to rebuild immune system. Hope you understood that. haha,,, remove the rock so you can catch the other tangs and put them in you other tanks for about a week and then replace rock in a different build. Then place them in together or maybe the Powder a day or two ahead and then it will be like new to all and they will have to reclaim territory.
Its always tricky trying to add tangs together and sometimes even doing it right still may fail. Its a gamble that you have to deside if its worth the time and trouble and risk of loseing fish that you already have from sickness from the stress.
Sorry to ramble but I wish you luck.


Yes, I thought it was pretty obvious that I was talking about catching the fish while feeding since it would be out in the open, its attention focused on something specific.