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  1. mtodd001

    Need a new skimmer pump

    Number doesn't work, are they still around?
  2. mtodd001

    Need a new skimmer pump

    I have a 180 fowlr w/ASM G3 and the sedra crapped out. I need a new pump, preferably an upgrade with as few mods as possible.
  3. mtodd001

    Puffer's beak

    I'll post a pic tonite when I get home.
  4. mtodd001

    Puffer's beak

    I have a Hawaiian Blue Puffer and he has been picking at LR so much that his beak is shredded. It is so bad his teeth are sticking out past his beak.
  5. mtodd001

    Best tang for eating hair algea?

    Well, it's been a couple months and I have gone through a couple mexican turbos they are nonstop, but don't lastlong. I purchased a sailfin tang that picked at the hair algae for a couple days but never made an impact. I'm in the process of moving him to my 180g. I purchased new bulbs, which...
  6. mtodd001

    Best tang for eating hair algea?

    It's a 54gal bow that's been up for 4yrs. I have a LMB and emerald crab that have put a good dent in it, but I need more help. I will pull out what I can by hand and rely on the tank inhabitants to do the rest.
  7. mtodd001

    Best tang for eating hair algea?

    I believe my problems started from spent filters on my RO/DI. I changed fliters and started water changes, but I need more help....
  8. mtodd001

    Copper banded butterfly not eating

    I bought 1 last week and I'm having the same problem. I have noticed the aiptisia in my tank is gone. It took him a few days to become familar w/the tank, but he swims all around like he owns the tank now.
  9. mtodd001

    Just arrived my new black tang

    Originally Posted by slt wtr stupid Are you sure u spelled the name of that fish right i keep trying different searches and every time it comes up with no match? odoanthias borbonius I can't find this fish either, are you sure of the spelling?
  10. mtodd001

    more than 1 Goby

    really, I never thought about that. Thanks for the info.
  11. mtodd001

    more than 1 Goby

    I plan to acclimate them in the same bucket and hopefully they will get familar wiht each other.
  12. mtodd001

    more than 1 Goby

    I have a YWG and a pistol shrimp in my 54g and ordered a blue-spot goby and a pistol shrimp. Can I keep them all in the same tank?
  13. mtodd001

    skimmate looks like tea.

    My skimmate used to be thick and heavy green . Since I added a Phosban Reactor its thin like tea. Has this happened to anyone else?
  14. mtodd001

    Help w/lighting choice?!?!

    Sorry about the link, I didn't read it until after I posted it. Anyway I ordered the IceCap 175 Watt Metal Halide Retrofit Kit. I will go back and edit the post.
  15. mtodd001

    Help w/lighting choice?!?!

    the bulb is an Ushio german 10k bulb
  16. mtodd001

    Help w/lighting choice?!?!

    Good point...I'm going back to look at the bulb manufacturer.
  17. mtodd001

    Help w/lighting choice?!?!

    Hi, I need help picking out a MH retro kit for a 54gal corner tank. As of now it is a FOWLR, but I want to start grow zoos and mushrooms, etc. I have a 130w CF that I will incorporate into the canopy to assist the MH. This is the setup I am considering IceCap 175 Watt Metal Halide Retrofit Kit
  18. mtodd001

    ViaAqua pumps

    I had a 1800 that was ok for about a year. The only problems I had was start-up, not enough power to push water back up to tank. Other than that it was ok for the price.
  19. mtodd001

    Huge worms in my tank

    I recently found huge Bristleworms in my tank. They are as thick as a sharpie marker
  20. mtodd001

    How to get Tang to eat Veggie Sheet?

    I use regular Green Leaf lettuce and my YT love it. I tried JS mixed greens and they don't go for it. give 'em a little time, they will eat it.