How to get Tang to eat Veggie Sheet?

jon in tx

I read that your supposed to give your Yellow Tang some Veggie Sheets periodically so I bought some. I've tried putting it in four times now just like the directions say (on the clip). My fish don't go near it so I remove after a couple of hours. According to the package, the food is ideal for Tangs and Angels but my Coral Angel hasn't shown any interest either.
Any suggestions?

FYI - The Brand is Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies Green Seaweed.


Active Member
My fish never went near the clip when I used to use it. Then, I started rubber banding the stuff to a small piece of rubble rock and they were all over it.
By the way, my fish love the Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies.


New Member
I use regular Green Leaf lettuce and my YT love it. I tried JS mixed greens and they don't go for it. give 'em a little time, they will eat it.


I've been getting just sushi seaweed. My lfs sells it and she says its pretty mush the same thing plus its cheaper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfish123
I guess they like it A Lot
I feed it twice a day. Green algea sheets in the a.m. and red or brown algea sheets in the pm.


Active Member
Try attaching it with your mag float, they are used to seeing that. With some fish the clip makes them skiddish if they have never seen it.


I also use the magfloat to hold the sheets. I used to give them spinach or romaine lettuce, but was told that they cant digest it, since it doesnt grow in the ocean. Makes sense. Good luck. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by cjml
Hey there- just regular store bought garlic? Thanks!

yes, regular clove of garlic, cut it in half and rub the cut side on the algea sheets.


great video clip. I noticed you have a lot of water movement in you tank. What do you recommend for phs in a 90 gal. I set it up about 7 weeks ago and I am slowly building it for a reef tank

jon in tx

Originally Posted by promisetbg
Try attaching it with your mag float, they are used to seeing that. With some fish the clip makes them skiddish if they have never seen it.
Good idea - but it didn't work. I'll keep trying. My 7 yr old won't eat his vegi's either - maybe it's contagious.

jon in tx

Originally Posted by lion_crazz
My fish never went near the clip when I used to use it. Then, I started rubber banding the stuff to a small piece of rubble rock and they were all over it.
By the way, my fish love the Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies.
Hmmm... I'm concerned a rubber band might introduce a foreign substance to the tank. You've been using regular rubber bands for a while? What if the fish take a bite of the rubber? :thinking:


my foxface was not sure of the clip at all, he showed how mad he was about it in there turning all brown and ugly. I also placed in tank as directed.......nothing........had to remove after 24hrs........not even one bite??????? Then I just left the clip in.........tried again a few days later..........but this time I cut in small strips....and then!!!!!! My foxface was interested!!!! So funny he would back up and touch it with his tail and then run away.... :hilarious did this for hours then all of a sudden MUNCH!!! I can't even get it stuck to the side of the tank now before he is on it. here is a pic



Active Member
Originally Posted by Canine
great video clip. I noticed you have a lot of water movement in you tank. What do you recommend for phs in a 90 gal. I set it up about 7 weeks ago and I am slowly building it for a reef tank
2 or 3 power heads pointing in different directions is great. Have some top water turbulance also to help with gas exchanges.
I would also recommend getting rid of that bubbler. Very bad for sw fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cjason3041
you can try leaving the clip in the tank for a few days and they should get used to it
Leave the clip in all the time. Just NOT with the algea sheet on it.