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  1. cannarella

    Canopy help - 65 gal hex

    You are going to need a miter saw, or a friend with one, to get good tight fitting angles.
  2. cannarella

    return line size ?

    If you calculate the pipe internal diameters and flow rate you will see even though the flow decreased when the pipe size increased it is still moving the same amount of fluid. Just the head has changed. So with the lager diamater you can add more twists and turns with little affect on the...
  3. cannarella

    Would this work

    I have seen this done and it works great. The only drawback I can see is that you will skim the surface water like if you had an over flow. So if you did 2 bulkheads you could point one up to skim the top and the other down like planned. Also remember to put screen on the inputs to tank...
  4. cannarella

    return line size ?

    I may not have specified at the other end you neck it down to the origonal size. My bad. I totally agree that if you discharged out of a pump with a 3/4" fitting and went to 1.5" and it discharged at 1.5" you would have pressure drop. Let me ask you this, say you come out of a pump at 3/4" and...
  5. cannarella

    return line size ?

    I disagree to an extent. If your sump it under the and you have to push 5ft of head then matching the outlet is not going to hurt you. If you are pushing 15ft vertical and 20ft horizontal, like my tank, then you really need to look at the static loss of the pipe size. Go punch in some number...
  6. cannarella

    will it work

    You could put a gate valve on the output of the pump and close it half way. Fire up the pump and keep opening the valve slowly until you see that the over flow is not keeping up and then back it off a turn or so.
  7. cannarella

    dart pumb 3600

    That 1" is still a restriction. If you had at least another 1" bulkhead that would help. Is your overflow built into the tank like an All Glass Mega Flow? If so there would be 2 holes that you could use. You may want to consider taking some 1" pvc and making 3 intakes hanging over the back...
  8. cannarella

    Is this a good deal?

    For a 35 you would only need 1 MH and you can get a DIY setup for the same price that this guy is offering you used equipment. I wouldn't do it. Check out Andy
  9. cannarella

    dart pumb 3600

    Your inlet hole is starving the pump. Not good. You need a huge inlet hole for this pump if not multiple small inlet holes. It has a 2" inlet and it will use all of it. This pump is made for volume pumping and you don't want to restrict the suction side at all since it does not have much...
  10. cannarella

    sequence experience?

    I have a Sequence 1000 series 4300 GPH on my temp setup running my PS and CL and it has worked perfect for the past 1.5 years. It is big. The only thing I could suggest is to upsize the inlet pipe to prevent any cavitation. So my pump has a 1.5" inlet and I upped the supply to it to 2". Andy
  11. cannarella

    DIY Lighting

    As long at you switch the hot on the lead side of the ballast you will be good. My opinion, don't get an all-in-one ballast kit where they are all housed in one box. Keep them seperate incase one goes bad. Andy
  12. cannarella

    Which pump?

    Try looking at the Blueline series. I am will be doing the same thing on a 65. The main thing I have found is to make sure you use a larger diamater pipe once you leave the pump to reduce the friction. I will be useing 1.5" on my supply to the tank. I used the Head Loss Calc over on...