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  1. acuaman

    snowflake eel question

    for all the info , you guys are great and girls if any, anyways based on your responses i will not getting a sfe anytime soon, maybe when i upgrade to a bigger tank i will. Thanks again.
  2. acuaman

    What a mistake?

    hey man i have used Kick Ich in my 100 gallon FO tank before and that is a copper based med i believe, I was then told to put activated carbon in my canister filter to remove the copper, granted it doesnt remove 100 percent of the copper but i will say this, i did not have inverts before the...
  3. acuaman

    Crushed Coral substrate turning Pink!

    why is that bad? never heard that before.
  4. acuaman

    HOw much sand

    i have been told from local lfs that a general rule of thumb for how much sand to use is one lb for every gallon of water. so 55 gallons go with about 50 lbs, i have used it in my 100 gallon tank, i figure i have about 80 to 90 gallons of water in it so i put about 80 lbs of sand and i am...
  5. acuaman

    I am tired of my algae!!!

    snails will rid you of your problem literally within a week. i guarantee it. i have a 100 gallon tank that had the brown stuff all over it and i bought six mex/turbo snails and it was wiped out within 3 days. the good thing is my puffers dont even mess with them either, during the day the...
  6. acuaman

    water parameters

    i think on my next water change the salt mix should take care of the ph, im hoping,thanks for the reply , as far as my puffers they are both about 2 1/2 inches, still small, but my s&s is the only one interested in the snails, he will sometimes nip at them but unsuccessfully get any good bites...
  7. acuaman

    water parameters

    do these readings sound ok? Ph-- 7.8 alk-- normal ammonia--0 nitrite--0 nitrate-- 20 ppm temperature--80 degrees i porky puffer 1 s&s puffer 1yellow tang 1 perc clown 6 mex turbo snails 2 scarlet reef hermits i am running a wet/dry filter and a magnum 350 canister filter in a 100 gallon tank 80...
  8. acuaman

    looking to add

    i am looking to add a longnose hawkfish and also a watchmen goby, will are either of them compatible with a s&s puffer and porky puffer,yellow tang and a percula clown? thanks in advance
  9. acuaman

    snowflake eel question

    are they aggressive? I have always wanted one, will they eat a clownfish and get along with a stars and stripes puffer and porky puffer, what about snails and hermits will they mess with those? I have a 100 gallon tank, will it outgrow it?
  10. acuaman

    undulate trigger

    i agree they are very smart, and watch your fingers, had mine with a porky puffer that was twice as big as him and i noticed the porks tail starting to dissappear, finally i saw the undulated trigger taking little bites, and after about 2 days the puffer couldnt swim any more, they are the...
  11. acuaman

    What's in your tanks?

    i also have a 20 gallon with an undulated trigger, meanest son of a gun i ever owned, highly recommend keeping these bad boys by themselves, bought him without researching, cause he was only $10, and after about $100 worth of fish being eaten i had to think of a reason why i shouldnt just flush...
  12. acuaman

    What's in your tanks?

    100 Gallon SW 1 stars and stripes puffer 1 porky puffer 1 perc 1 yellow tang 4 mexican turbos 15 blue legged hermits 2 scarlet reef hermits 80 lbs live sand 20 lbs live rock
  13. acuaman

    Brown Algae????

    I also had this problem and i bought 3 Mexican turbo snails and they wiped it out in a matter of days, now i just have some spots here and there, much easier to clean with a glass magnet cleaner.