snowflake eel question


New Member
are they aggressive? I have always wanted one, will they eat a clownfish and get along with a stars and stripes puffer and porky puffer, what about snails and hermits will they mess with those? I have a 100 gallon tank, will it outgrow it?


it will not outgrow the tank. the only problem you might have is with inverts. the eel might eat the crabs and it will eat shrimp if you have any.


it depends on how big it is. mine is 6-8inch and does not touch my crabs or shrimp. But i am moving them in the next 6 months so it is ok i guess.


Mine is about 14-15" and i just have not taken the risk of putting it in with inverts. The only aggression it has shown is during feeding his bad eye site sometimes causes him to mistake a trigger for a piece of food.
The problem I have always had with SFE is that they always escape my tank. I had one in a tank w/ an eclipse filter that covered the entire tank and somehow it still wound up on my carpet. At the same time I have had a green moray and a zebra in a tank just with glass tops and they never try to get out. How do you guys keep yours in the tank?


Ditto on the bad eyesight causes mistaken food identity. I have a 10 inch SFE in with a Passer Angel, Lunare Wrasse and Humu Trigger - all three have received accidental bites during their feeding time (I am trying to train the SFE to eat after the lights go out when everyone else is asleep). Although he'll bite the,, he releases almost immediately sensing it isn't krill. Something smaller like a clown may be in the throat before he realizes :)


i put a net on under my cascade protein skimmer and silicone the rest of it down. he really trys to get out and mine goes crazy and I think that some day he will knock himself out.
mine is very very well behaved. i have no covers on my tank and i inverts in my tank, he hasnt escaped once or niped at the inverts.. hes about 1ft long. i also have 2 percula clowns a maroon clown, a fu manchu lionfish, and a brown banded bamboo shark, and he doesnt touch em. he actually lays with my shark, kinda weird. but he is very aggressive wene feeding time comes, he trys to bite my fingers, so i put rubber gloves on.


Lazy east911, I would put a cover on the tank if I were you. Sooner or later he/she will try and escape, and that eel sounds like a pretty cool one, i'd hate for you to lose it.


I second that. Even if he is acting great right now and never coming up to the top, one day you'll just find him dried up on the floor.
yea i know, i would put a top on it right now, but the only problem is when i took the cover off to clean it (its glass) i sorta steped on one of the peices, so i have to order a whole new top. kinda sucks.


New Member
mine is about a foot long never tried to escape but ate all my inverts except my turbo snail and also ate my clown but other than that i love him very easy to keep dosent bother any of my fish except the blue damsel


New Member
for all the info , you guys are great and girls if any, anyways based on your responses i will not getting a sfe anytime soon, maybe when i upgrade to a bigger tank i will. Thanks again.