Search results

  1. mulberry

    where can i get a black clown fish?

    Sea of Marvels in Coralville IA just had a hatching from the owner's pair of black percs. He is raising them to sell. His # is (319)351-3969. They are super cute!
  2. mulberry

    flake eaters

    Any type of clown fish.
  3. mulberry

    getting even more concerned

    Xenia is very tough, it can recover from alot of trauma. It is also one of the first corals to show unhappiness. Now I have't seen your tank, so I can't say for sure, but if everything else is doing well, I wouldn't be too worried about the xenia. I have a tank overrun with xenia, and in my...
  4. mulberry

    thinkin of buying a new fish?

    The fish commonly called the orange spotted filefish is an obligate coral eater. It will not eat anything but sps polyps.
  5. mulberry

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    I believe you Mr. Bubble. Hopefully you can get a picture of your sponge. I think that you have been acting very mature to put up with all the teasing from these "adults."
  6. mulberry


    Yes you can see copepods if you have good eyes. They are about as big as the period when you type in a ten piont font. A good place to look for them is in the corner of your tank, just above the sand. They are hard to see, I usually have to "zone out" on the tank before I see them. You can...
  7. mulberry

    i want another fish

    I think the six line would be a good choice as well, they are scrappy enough to hold thier own, but not so tough as to bother the percs.