where can i get a black clown fish?

rabid frog

Active Member
I was wonder where i could get a black percula(sp)clown fish.. my lfs has one but she says they are illegal?? Is that so


New Member
I don't know, this is the first time i've heard of a black clown,but if i guessed it is probly almost ekstinked. I don't know how to spell that but thats my guess.

rabid frog

Active Member
they are not solid black but black and whit like the true percs. ill get a pic of it if they will let me... she told me it was an australian perc but i dunno...


Active Member
Go to flyingfishexpress.com they are for sale there. They arent illegal to own as far as i know.
check out this link...
<a href="http://students.db.erau.edu/~bakerr/perculas.html" target="_blank">http://students.db.erau.edu/~bakerr/perculas.html</a>


My LFS always have some. They say that they are black because breeders breed the darkest fish, and just keep on going until they get darker and darker. They're beautiful- but $90...


I once had one! It died of the so called "clownfish" disease. I don't see how they are $90, I bought mine for $9.99. Its the same hardiness as a true perc, but its just black instead of orange. :D


they are not as common as the regular percs but some places are starting to breed these kind of clowns and may become more available in the future
heres a pic
<a href="http://www.tmc-ltd.co.uk/Hatchery/newfish/page5_84.jpg" target="_blank">black perc</a>


I just got a pair of them from my lfs a few weeks ago. I paid $40 each. They were sold to me as black oscellaris clowns. Wether they are oscellaris or percula I really have no idea. The only way to tell would be to count fin rays. a little easier said than done on a constantly moving fish... Anyways, they have been very hardy so far (no different from other percs or oscellaris) I'm feeding them mostly formula one, but they will eat prettymuch anything offered... flakes, krill, mysis, finely chopped shrimp, squid, and silversides. So far they have not adopted any of my corals as a surrogate host anemone, but who knows... Since i aquired them they have rarely moved from within 3 inches of one another... With any luck i may have a true pair...


New Member
Sea of Marvels in Coralville IA just had a hatching from the owner's pair of black percs. He is raising them to sell.
His # is (319)351-3969. They are super cute!


i checked a site that i had booked marked he sold them before but does not have them listed right now.here it is anyway <a href="http://www.marinepropagations.com/Live_fish_coral_invertabrates_navigation.htm" target="_blank">web page</a> . you can always ask your lfs if they can get them in. i only ever saw 1 a fs had it beautiful fish. also here is one place that breeds them. i think they have a thing where you can search for places that get off of them.i dont think they sell to people individually just comercial businesses <a href="http://www.tmc-ltd.co.uk/index.asp" target="_blank">web page</a>