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  1. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    I read that Pink Tip Haitian Anemone and clownfish are not in symbiose ... that they won't get along ... anyone had tried them?
  2. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    well everything looks alright ... anemones have apparently settled down ... my coral banded shrimp has molted ... i thought that it died. and i had 2 cleaner clams ... i can only find one ... has anyone used them in their tank?
  3. chingchong

    AllGlass 120Gal 4x2x2 for sale in NC

    tank is sold
  4. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    it's looking good so far... let me know if you see something wrong ... it's my first time ...
  5. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    it's "pumping" up itself ... the tentacles are getting big. i post a picture later.
  6. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    fighting conch... eye-crossing? brown algae all over the place ... get busy
  7. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    cleaner clam ... hasn't opened up or moved since i put it in the tank (2 hrs ago)
  8. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    Pink Tip Haitian Anemone
  9. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    Lettuce Nudibranch
  10. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    the astrea snails have clean the house !!! i had rock with brown/green algae ... it's gone ! wow... getting a shipment tomorrow ... Fighting Conch - Aquacultured 1 Queen Conch - Aquacultured 2 Pink Tip Haitian Anemone - (NG) 2 Cleaner Clam 2 Lettuce Nudibranch - 2 Nassarius Snail - Group of...
  11. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    alright ... i got it setup ... it's pushing "foam" alright ... but it's really just water... i think... it just gets transparent after it sits in the cup... any ideas why?
  12. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    ammonia low, nitrite low, and 3.5 cycle week i got word that my cpr bak-pak 2 in the mailbox!!! going home now...
  13. chingchong

    AllGlass 120Gal 4x2x2 for sale in NC

    transman ... he contacted me and will check the tank. basically, on hold until he says no or take it home.
  14. chingchong

    Power heads; How many?

    I'll just have live rock with some anemones
  15. chingchong

    Power heads; How many?

    new to the hobby... for the turnover, are you talking about the total amount of the phs? for example 2 phs of 200gph ... does that give you 400gph ? i m setting up my 55 gal and don't know if i have enough ... i run an aquaclear 200 with surface skimmer 2 powerheads with 200gph and waiting for...
  16. chingchong

    AllGlass 120Gal 4x2x2 for sale in NC

    transman still interested?
  17. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    I removed the plastic canopy (and the glass i tried on) change to the 110w PC (artinic 03 + 10000K) instead of the NO fluorescent strips (artinic 03 + 20000K) dont know if i should have made the change since it's only a FOWLR tank. but here is the picture
  18. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    close-up 4/4 this one is growing/changing into white patches. is it normal?
  19. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    close-up 3/4 check this rock. brown algae at the top, and i don't know at the bottom ... looks redish though
  20. chingchong

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    close-up (2/4)