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  1. 125intx

    Can you read this thread and chime in on it?
  2. 125intx

    Does this sound right to you?

    Can ick pop up in 30 mins?
  3. 125intx

    Does this sound right to you?

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Another thing to consider however. Is they do on occasion do what looks like goose bumbs. And that may be what you're seeing. Are there any pictures out there regarding this?
  4. 125intx

    PH tester and PH question

  5. 125intx

    Does this sound right to you?

    Well he has some on his fins and few on the top of his eyes.
  6. 125intx

    Does this sound right to you?

    Jut got a Dog Face Puffer from my LFS. He looked great at the store. Got him home and in the tank and he had white ick like spots on him. There were not there when we got him. Can the stress cause him to break out like that? Could it even be ick? Sure looks like it to me. No pics sorry. LFS said...
  7. 125intx

    PH tester and PH question

    Are ph testers/ph up and ph down the same for saltwater as they are for freshwater? Can I use a freswater ph tester in a saltwater tank? And will the ph up / down work as well for saltwater?
  8. 125intx

    What the best fish for hair algae?

    Great, thanks for the info!!!
  9. 125intx

    What the best fish for hair algae?

    Would a yellow tang do the trick? of would something else work better? Thanks in advance!
  10. 125intx

    Adding fish to a 125. Have a few easy questions.

    I have a 125g tank and all that is in it is a 3ft zebra eel and a 3in maroon clown. I am thinking of adding about 8-12in's (2-3 fish) of fish to the tank. Do you see any problem with that? Will is mess up the bio in the tank? Should I do a WC first or will that make it worse? Its been awhile...
  11. 125intx

    What's the fish on the Tang area left side picture ?

    Originally Posted by MX#28 It's a juvenile Chevron Tang. Thanks!!
  12. 125intx

    What's the fish on the Tang area left side picture ?

    Looking for the name of the tank on this site under the Tang area. Its the one pictures on the left side. Any ideas what its called? Thanks
  13. 125intx

    Whats better 50/50 og 10K?

    I have no corals just LR. My coralline is just about gone due to the lack of lights. I am about to go buy either a 50/50 or 10K PC 96w. What would be better to promote the coralline groth to come back? Thanks!! Chris
  14. 125intx

    Buying another canister filter, wich one, Rena or Fluval?

    Originally Posted by LAZARUS i saw fluval 205 at ***** for $ that a good deal? i need a filter for my new 100g too! The 205 is $89 at *****. ***** and i dont think its big enough for a 100g
  15. 125intx

    What do you know about the Penn Plax cascade filters?

    Looking at one just wonder what would think about them? Cascade Filer
  16. 125intx

    Buying another canister filter, wich one, Rena or Fluval?

    I allready own a Fluval 404 and a Rena XP3. I need to buy another one for a new tank 100g. What filter do you recomend between the two?
  17. 125intx

    Ammonia and nitrates high after adding 2 fish to new tank.

    Well its been stable for a few days now. I hope its calming down. Thanks for the reply
  18. 125intx

    Ammonia and nitrates high after adding 2 fish to new tank.

    Thats funny, but I was here first
  19. 125intx

    Ammonia and nitrates high after adding 2 fish to new tank.

    I started out with two fish in a 30g. The tank was only month old. I added two more fish last Sunday and now the fish are breathing very hard. I checked the water and the ammonia and nitrates are very high. I did a 50% water change and it seamed to fix the problem until this morning. The fish...
  20. 125intx

    Nice tank, good read.

    This may be a repost. Sory if it is.