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  1. reeferx

    I'm having prob with Email Notification

    Mine doesn't still. Oh well. I give up. :(
  2. reeferx

    I'm having prob with Email Notification

    Well. Wamp let us know. Somebody has to be pulling the strings around here. Mine is checked to get notifications. And as I said before, I never got them. And I haven't got any on this thread. :confused:
  3. reeferx

    I'm having prob with Email Notification

    The silence is deafening. :mad:
  4. reeferx

    I'm having prob with Email Notification

    never worked for me. i thought it was deactivated. looking at my profile, image tag is deactivated which i didn't know. this place is tight! email notification is checked though.. hey mods what's up? :confused:
  5. reeferx

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    Interesting thread. I second the concern for fresh air if you can smoke there. I have a 1980 Atari Centipede video game. It is a table-top 'cocktail' version that used to sit in a bar. When I opened it up I was amazed at what I saw. Thick black fuzz covers all the electronics. It is disgusting...
  6. reeferx

    We have waited so long for this!

    'To the batcave!' Love it. :)
  7. reeferx

    OT--Dremel Tool Choice?

    Originally posted by Richard Rendos I hate cordless tools. The batteries don't last long enough to get any work done, and the power is lacking. I would say go with the corded. I second that one! I just had to throw out a Makita with a dead battery. The battery cost more to replace than...
  8. reeferx

    Who uses/ has an RO system... who uses tap water? BE HONEST

    I never could keep anemones very long until I got a RO unit. I need to resurrect mine. It has been sitting in my closet for a couple years while I moved around. But I have bought two tanks in the last two weeks! I'M BACK BABY!
  9. reeferx

    Ever do a 35 gallon HEXAGON reef tank!!!

    Looks cool from here! I like it. I know what you mean about the wires. I cringe everytime I look at my stereo. I can't wait until everything is wireless.
  10. reeferx

    Ever do a 35 gallon HEXAGON reef tank!!!

    Ahh that's a bakpak. I was thinking about the natural route, but I love skimmers. Trouble is, with the hex, it is kinda tight for filters as each glass pane is only about 6-8 inches wide. I'll figure something out. I am sure it will be overkill. ;) Thanks guys...
  11. reeferx

    Ever do a 35 gallon HEXAGON reef tank!!!

    Wow. I like the volcano! :) I just picked up a 30 hex with stand for $50 this past weekend from a kid for my better half's seahorse tank. I have been staying up thinking about filtration lately. What are you guys using? matt
  12. reeferx

    Top-off System For Evaporation

    Just to represent the old school, I used a simple kent marine type float switch that was gravity fed. Not the completely vertical types you see now, but the kind with the horizontal bulbous plastic float on it. I had it attached to a five gallon container that stood above my sump. The container...
  13. reeferx

    flower pot help needed

    Do you feed it directly? They need a lot of food to be happy. Use a turkey baster and do it at the same time everyday so it starts expecting it and opening up beforehand. Somebody I know actually pulls his out and puts it in a bowl with tank water and feeds it in there so others won't bother it...
  14. reeferx

    Eco-Wheel from Aquatic Engineers

    Because they are so 'revolutionary.' ;) I found the thread with the price of one eco-wheel setup: "I think I spent about $3500 not including the stand and lights over the tank. It is not cheap but worth it in my book." :eek:
  15. reeferx

    Eco-Wheel from Aquatic Engineers

    Well the giant bio-wheel and the bio-balls made me think that the thing might kick out some nitrates. But with a ton of algae on it, maybe not. I am pretty sure I am in the price range. Some guy on another site has one and I believe he paid over 3g. I am not sure if that was the full-blown...
  16. reeferx

    Eco-Wheel from Aquatic Engineers

    It's an interesting concept, but you have to pay to play - $3000 - $4000! :eek: And it takes quite a bit more to set up than the average filter. May be more suited for a fish tank than a reef tank too.
  17. reeferx

    Ignore this post

    christ someone had to bring up the sponge... haven't been here much lately, but now i remember why i like this site ... you are all nuts!!!
  18. reeferx

    Protein Skimmer Counter Current, Air Stone

    Originally posted by Fish Head Has anyone had any luck using a Counter Current, Air Stone Bubble Generated type Protein Skimmer? I did back in '91 - '93. I had two 24"x6" cc's that were gravity fed from my prefilter on my 40 breeder. They were very nice actually and pulled major amounts of...
  19. reeferx

    off topic: aquarium spam on ebay

    sorry just need to vent. what happened to ----? i used to enjoy looking at the aquariums for sale on ----, but now for every 1 page of real tanks for sale, there are 4 pages of $7.98 plans for tanks by the same company!!! what the ____ !!! anyone else whining about this? ----, another dot.bomb...
  20. reeferx

    MH lighting experts

    $11.00 a bulb! That is a good connection to have there Rob. What I want is an open hood lighting fixture, that allows easy access into the tank. Hmmm. How about something with legs on it similar to the Zoo fixtures or this one.... Or you can...