Search results

  1. reeferx

    MH lighting experts

    How are you going to make the canopy height adjustable Broomer? I have been looking at things like this lately: PS - If I were getting new halides, I would check out HQI ballasts too.
  2. reeferx

    helios lighting

    It comes with two different sets of legs. One with open top in mind and the other for mounting in a canopy. The former does not have to be open top. You could have a glass top with it. I wouldn't, but you could. That is a great deal on that fixure. It would be an awesome PC fixture on a 55...
  3. reeferx

    Poll: Do you like the new board?

    Hey vBulletin wins again! ;) I like it. A lot faster. Not a fan of the colors though. Email notification doesn't appear to work.
  4. reeferx

    alternative to bio balls

    Bio-bale? -haven't seen it in a long time. Cell-pore? - one cubic inch = 694 bio-balls - Expensive! Someone might give you a deal on some DLS. ;)
  5. reeferx

    Check this out Wow

    Hey this fish would be great next to my Leafy Dragon display tank! ;)
  6. reeferx

    A goby suicide story

    That sucks bosco! That happened with my diamond back too. The top of my tank was wide open though, so I had it coming. I think you have the right idea. Block the escape route. A glass lip around the top edge helps if you go open top. Alternatives might be a fighting conch or something. I liked...
  7. reeferx

    Sand in Freshwater tank

    I have a relatively deep sand bed for a six gallon tank - about 3 inches and things are going really well now 3-4 months in. <a href="" target="_blank">Click to see a bad photo of my sand.</a> I used a coarse 'freshwater' sand on...
  8. reeferx


    Rapid Tissue Necrosis. A.K.A. Coral Bleaching
  9. reeferx


    This is funny, I was just wrapping with some people about Ozone yesterday. They were using it in their skimmers and underdosing to play it safe. One of them wasn't even using carbon and relying on his controller to handle things which I thought was a little sketchy. Ozone used to be a lot more...
  10. reeferx

    PICS - Refugium

    Alright! A refugium that actually has a lot of caulerpa, how about that. Looking good Broomer! :)
  11. reeferx

    Sand Estimates

    This is the sand bed calculator I see most of the time: Equation: L x W x H x .0641 = lbs. of Sand needed Where L = the length of the aquarium in inches, W = the width of the aquarium in inches, and H = the desired depth of sand in inches.
  12. reeferx

    Help with a 500gallon glass tank

    This guy made a site about setting up his 580. It should give you some ideas: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> hth
  13. reeferx


    J-man - There are not that many people here that do it or that could tell you much about it. Most will say DSB works just as well or some will say better. When I asked similar questions a few months back a few responded and said they have them and they have been successful, but not many. Most...
  14. reeferx

    Live Sand and Sand Sifters

    I have been seeing quite a few posts saying that they do lately. With rocks and such, I can't imagine that they could get to 'everything,' but it appears as though they can do a pretty good job of it. If I just spent $100 on critters, it would make me think twice before putting one of those in...
  15. reeferx

    MH bulbs, what size tank do you have and post the amount of watts

    I think this really depends on what corals you plan on having. If you are really just going to have shrooms, you don't even need halides. Back to your question, I had a little over 5 watts per gallon on my 30 gallon. Although if you factor in the 60 pounds of Indo rock, etc.. that number goes...
  16. reeferx

    Cleaning Live Sand

    Those are good ideas. But just to add my two cents to the original question, I don't see a problem with siphoning the trouble spots you mentioned. Just don't get crazy and do the whole bed. The key is what sammy mentioned, pinch the hose on the siphon to regulate the outflow. Or put your thumb...
  17. reeferx

    Best r/o system ??

    Spectrapure wet tests their membranes prior to shipping for quality assurance. Which is nice.
  18. reeferx

    why remove bio balls?

    I would keep them or get more rock. I do see a little redundancy between the wet/dry and the fluidized bed filter, but I am not sure. Don't those do the same thing as a wet/dry? Or do they denitrify?
  19. reeferx

    why remove bio balls?

    People hear that wet/drys are 'nitrate factories' so they dump 'em. I don't subscribe to this, but it is pretty popular. Wet/drys are excellent at breaking down ammonia and nitrites. They just don't deal with nitrates.* The deep sand bed and/or a refugium with a lot of caulerpa deals with the...
  20. reeferx

    Possible to have LR and LS w/ a wet/dry filter?

    Another angle here is your sand bed. You said it is 'not significant.' Well I think most people here will agree that a sand bed that is < 3 inches probably is not that great at controlling your nitrates. I don't know how old your tank is, but what could be happening is that the nutrients in the...