Help with a 500gallon glass tank


Ok a friend of mine is moving outof state and he is giving me his 500 gallon glass tank that he hasnt used in question is what type of filtration can i put into it i want it for a shark tankmaybe bamboo or leopard shark the tank is not drilled and it comes with nothing please someone give me some advise on really good filtration without having to get tank drilled
Thank you


You have to drill a 5000G tank! I would buy two 275G oil tanks and fill them up with bio balls so they would be like to very large canister filters! Or get a baby pool and make a wet/dry out of it. With a tank this large I would only worry about bio filtration and mechincal, and get a pool heater to heat it, you might want to try and get some natural sunlight to help light it or else you will spend millions lighting it! Buy two pumps form raibow life guard they make pumps that will pump 10,000 GPH.


This guy made a site about setting up his 580. It should give you some ideas:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>