MH lighting experts


Active Member
I'm still in planning stage for my new lighting for 75 gallon reef tank.
Will be building wood canopy, and buying retrofit components.
I will be supplementing the halides with (4) CSL 65 watt PC actinics.
I already have them so I would like to use them.
I don't want to restrict my choices for selecting corals.
I'm debating going with (2) 175 watt or (2) 250 watt MH.
Canopy will be an open frame design with height adjustments.
Will be installing fans in the enclosed lighting area for ventilation.
Ballast to be remote mounted in canopy's side leg ventilated compartment/bookshelf.
Here's what I've looked at so far, and would really like to hear any feedback from you experienced halide reefers.
(1) PFO dual MH ballast @ $165.95
(2) PFO Mogul sockets @ $22.95 each = $45.90
(2) PFO PR24SA8MOG 24 inch parallel reflectors @ $31.90 each = $63.90
(2) Iwasaki 250 watt 6500k bulbs @ $59.00 each = $118.00
$393.75 + tax ( maybe )
This along with DIY canopy over my 75 reef tank.
If you know where I can save some money using similar equipment, I'm open for suggestions, but I'm pretty sure I want to go with the Iwaski bulbs.
Any comments or help is appreciated.


Hey Broomer,
I thought you were going to do the DIY 250 watt Iwasaki setup. I was waiting to see how yours worked to do mine. I guess I'll have to be the test-subject for this one:eek: I'm still torn between the halides, and an RO unit. I'll let you guys know what I decide.


Active Member
Me and anthem think alike on this one. I just switched to 10k from 6500k myself. Corals seem to be resondng better to the 10k so far.
I also agree with the 250 over the 175. I have 175 and would like to switch to the 250. SPS do not do well in my tank with the 175.
I would however go with VHO rather than PC. VHO sem to be a little better in the actinic dept than PC. Look better IMO. But, since you have them, PC sound fine to me.
For reflectors, you can make your own. Lowes or HD has some that you can buy for worksops. Just cut it to fit your needs. It will save you a couple of bucks.
Good Luck


Active Member
Thanks Ed and wamp !!!
I'm thinking that having the adjustable height on the open canopy, that any heat issues should not be such a problem, or at least I will try to prepare for it.
I will take both of your advice on the 250's.
I was leaning that way to begin with, and your experience has convinced me that this is the way I will go.
I don't want to have to re-do this in the near future.
I'm not totally sure on the 6500K's ..... this is one area I'm lacking exposure to not having the MH's before.
I've read good things about the Iwaski bulbs online, and did see a reef tank at a lfs nearby, that ran these bulbs with the PC actinics, and the tank looked good to me.
Of course darn near any metal halide system looks so much better to me than PC's ( yes I said it ) .
I will have to call around and see if I can find someone with the 10K's too. As you said wamp, it seems like most folks that supplement actinics use VHO, but I'm seeing more of the PC's being used around here. I have a 48" 260 watt CLS PC set up now I was considering tearing apart and using the components.
Or I may sell it and use the funds towards VHO.
Seeing pics of reef tanks online helps, but as you know there's nothing like seeing the lighting in person.
I'm not ready to purchase anything yet, still weighing out my options, and who knows ...... I may still do the inexpensivce DIY Iwaski KDLBEM :p
I really do appreciateall your replies and will definitely consider your opinions.

richard rendos

Active Member
Is this going to be an SPS dominated tank? If so, go with the 250 watt. The Iwasaki 6500K bulbs seem to make SPS grow like crazy but not show their colors as well. If you want more colorful SPS, go with the 10000K.
If this is not going to be an SPS tank, I would go with 175 watt. LPS and softies seem to do better under these.
Wamp, your tank is taller and wider than a should have gone with 250's, but a 75 gallon would be fine with 175's and PC supplements.
Just my opinion based on my experience.


Active Member
Fine and awsome are two diffrent things.:)
Not to mention, no need to upgrade if you decide on more light dependent corals. I have my one SPS high in the tank and still not much growth. Perhaps a better rate if 250 were installed..?


Active Member
I can't even decide yet on the bulbs and ballasts LOL :p , and haven't made time to draw up a sketch.
What I want is an open hood lighting fixture, that allows easy access into the tank.
I hate having to move stuff around or bend over funny just to reach into the bottom of the tank.
I can't suspend it from the ceiling - unfortuantely that's not an option.
Nor can I fix it to the wall behind the tank.
I don't want a traditional canopy resting on top of the tank.
I've got an idea for now - that's all it is - an idea.
I'll let you know what I come up with - and I can assure you it will most likely look unconventional. Function over form.


I am in the middle of the DIY MH lights for under 100$ found here...
I bought the bulb online, and then found the one of the electricians here at work can order me the same bulb at about 11.00$ !!!!!!
I also have the ballast from Advance on order and it should be in this week. I have a couple of 4" fans already and will be building the hood very soon. I also have a 110w pc hood that I will cannabilize to combine all of these together.