PICS - Refugium


Active Member
Here's a couple few pics of refugium.
If these pics don't display - try this link
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
75 gallon tank set up end of December.
The refugium's been up and running a little less than 2 months now, and all is going good.
Not exactly eye candy - but shows some progress.
Nitrates are around 5 w/DSB in display tank and refugium. Trates are certainly going down.
Best test results I've ever had.
Thanks to many on this board for their help !

Live Rock & Caulerpa added March 3rd, 2002

As it looks today April 28th, 2002

Various Caulerpa starting to grow

Some coralline growth on back wall of 75 tank.

old hermit

it looks like the caulerpa has really taken off in there i hope mone does the same. do you leave the lights on it 24/7?


Active Member
Yep -
Lights on 24/7 since day one old hermit.
Yeah I'm having some technical difficulties over here - posting these pics for some reason ???
Might be something with geocities ??? Not sure ?
Thanks ;)
Howdy, I was wondering what size is your refugium compared to the size of your main tank? Also, how many pounds of live rock did you put in your refugium? It looks good, I wish I could get caulerpa to grow like that. Do you know anything about the shaving brush that sells? I was considering putting that in my refugium. That should perform the same function as caulerpa, right??? Thanks a lot.


Active Member
18 gallon Rubbermaid refugium on a 75 gallon tank.
Two pieces of live rock. One very large piece about 5-6 lbs, and a small 1 lb chunk.
4" DSB in refugium - mixed grain size, CarbiSea aragonite special seaflor grade and oolite fine.
Sorry I know squat about the shaving brush.


I have found that over the last year of running my refugium that as my nitrates fall off and stay at 0 for more than a few weeks that all or most of my caulerpa will die off and be very slow to grow back until my nitrate levels start to come up again to around 5 to 10. It had me stumped for a while. Very cool balance to actually witness. Next week the new episodes of blue planet air on Sun 5th. Yea! ;)


looks nice! can't wait to get mine up and going.
as for your photo posting problems...its geoshities :) they do not allow linking of photos. for free photo hosting try:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
any of those will work ;)


Active Member
Lighting on this refugium is manufactured by TOP Aquarium Series.
It's an unused 20 inch PC lighting fixture I had from my nano tank days.
(2) 36 watt PC bulbs (1) white (1) blue actinic.
Suspended from the inside of the tank stand with velcro straps and plastic wire ties.
It's secure.
Probably overkill for what is necessary - but I already had it as left over - decided to use it.
Although I keep the flowrate down very low, I did place a small powerhead in the refugium set on a timer. It kicks on every few hours for awhile, then shuts off. I think it's helping to keep the water turning over and reduce some cyno patches I was getting in the bottom corners near the sandbed.
Thanks OneFlySi for the links for free photo hosting - that will help and explains why I am struggling with getting them to work on here.
See ya all,


Active Member
I don't know what the minimum lighting required would be - it would depend on a lot of factors.
I hear where a lot of folks will use "plant" bulbs for growing indoor plants, while others have just used NO fluorescent bulbs of various wattage.


Ok, thanks... and i'll let you know how my tank turns out. Moving it in 2 days and i'm getting it drilled when it is moved, I'm sure you remember my long post about it. Hopefully all goes well.