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  1. kens

    red algae

    red algae is taking over my 75, how do i get rid of it
  2. kens


    if you feel that the bristle worms are too numerous and becoming a problem you can get an arrow crab, they will eat them
  3. kens

    need more info on xenia propogating

    i tried to cut a piece of my xenia and move it to another rock, the branch was about 3 inches long. i cut it close to the trunk and it shriveled up to the size of a marble, i decided it was too small to try a rubber band so i tried the toothpic trick. i impaled it on a toothpic, the next morning...
  4. kens

    Anybody from Illinois?

    i am in effingham
  5. kens

    new setup - base rock - useful/useless???

    sgt york i purchased some base rock off ----, it took about 2 months for algae and stuff to grow on it, it was white but is now green and red with corraline algae taking over. looks real good
  6. kens

    baking soda ?

    my snails and crabs do a wonderful job of keeping the algae at bay, but my ph dropped to 7.8 the other day, so in haste i used a half teaspoon of baking soda for my 75 gallon tank. ph is now 8.4 and i have more algae than i can shake a stick at. most baking soda contains phosphates. watch out...
  7. kens

    xenia after 2 weeks

    how do you use a rubber band? do you tie it around the base of the xenia then wrap around the rock. or do you take the band over the stalk and through one of the branches? just wondering